Part 34.

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"Oh my gosh your so adorable" I said playing with Caiden's toes. My baby is a month old and he's just so adorable and makes me light up

"Mommy can we go get some ice cream?" Miya asked "yea baby let me get Caiden dressed" I respond. I gave him a bath ,dressed him ,and brushed his hair. I picked him up and gave him the biggest kiss on his little forehead. I got Miya dressed next then I got myself ready trey walks in the house upset.

"What's wrong daddy?" Miya asked "daddy don't feel like talking right now" he said Slouching on the couch. I walk in "what's the matter?" I asked trey ignores me I walk right in front of him standing in his view area.

"Trey you so childish" I said walking ,trey makes a laugh to himself "I'm taking my kids to get ice cream don't bother calling me" I said picking up Caiden's diaperbag and his car seat with him strapped in

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"Trey you so childish" I said walking ,trey makes a laugh to himself "I'm taking my kids to get ice cream don't bother calling me" I said picking up Caiden's diaperbag and his car seat with him strapped in. "Come on Miya" I said leaving out the house.

I haven't felt like myself these past days after the baby was born. I feel like Aaliyah is cheating on me with that nigga Chris I didn't really allow Aaliyah to even have male friends especially without letting me know.

So every time she leaves some where I be thinking she on some slick shit. I took me ah shower and got dressed and left. I pull up to this girl amber house. I called her she answered "Come outside" I said "alright" she responded and hangs up. I look down at my phone seeing Aaliyah call I answer.

 "Yea hello" I answered "where are you?" She asked  "at my homeboy house" I responded

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"Yea hello" I answered "where are you?" She asked "at my homeboy house" I responded

I seen amber coming towards the car I instantly stopped the conversation "yea imma call you back my moms calling" I said hanging up. She comes to the door and opens it "wassup" she said leaning in to kiss me "wassgood" I said kissing her. "So I'm pregnant" she said , my whole life dropped.

I was just getting out the shower after putting the baby to sleep when I get a call from my mom "hey mama" I answer "hey baby I got some bad news" she said in a sad tone "what is it?" I asked concerned "Aaliyah.... your grandma passed" she said crying. After that I had lost of words.

To be continued.....

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