Part 32.

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"Smile baby" i said smiling at Miya today is Miya birthday and I'm so happy for my baby girl she was just tiny now she getting big. Right now we're at the photo shoot for Miya birthday "you look so cute" trey said smiling at Miya "mommy and daddy I'm 3 now" Miya said smiling. Today we're just going to have a big birthday party at the house because we gotta big surprise for Miya and the family.

 Today we're just going to have a big birthday party at the house because we gotta big surprise for Miya and the family

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After the photo shoot trey took Miya on a shopping spree at the toy store while I got home preparing for the party

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After the photo shoot trey took Miya on a shopping spree at the toy store while I got home preparing for the party. I got decorations for the house all pink and purple which are Miya's favorite colors. I blew up some balloons outside and I set some tables up outside and I ordered these giant bouncy houses and a dj.

1 hour....

Everyone was here and everything was set up were just waiting for Miya and trey to get here we was all outside the kids were playing running around and all the grownups were talking and relaxing next thing I know I see Miya and trey pulling up I quickly walk up to the driveway waiting to see my baby. Miya get out the car happy as can be "mommy!" Miya screams in joy I picked her up trey gave me a kiss "baby you ready to tell her" he asked "no not yet" all three of us walk to the party and Miya was so happy.

Miya played in the bouncy house and danced with all the kids and we all Song happy birthday to her. "How old are you baby girl?" Trey asked "three" she responded holding up three fingers. After we song happy birthday she opened her gifts. She got a lot of toys, shoes, clothes and trey even got her a puppy he got her a baby shih zu "what you gone name him?" I asked "tanky" she said holding him.

"We got one last surprise for you Miya" I said "what is it mommy?" She asked "everyone me and trey wanted to let you know that we're having another baby" I said everyone cheered in joy and were happy for us. "Yay me having a baby sister or brother" Miya said.

After the big news everyone was congratulating me and trey and everyone ain't start leaving til like 11 at night I put Miya in the bed because she fell asleep on the couch with my grandma. And me and trey just enjoyed the rest of our night relaxing "baby I was thinking about not having a big wedding" trey said "why baby" I asked "because I just want it to be something small for us me you and Miya let's move to Florida" trey said "ok baby can I think about it at least I mean we do have a baby on the way" I said "yea baby take your time" trey began kissing my neck "trey no" I said "why you know you love it" he said. "Baby I'm pregnant" I said "that mouth not" he said I busted out laughing hard as hell and loud making Miya wake up "mommy why you laughing so loud" Miya asked while rubbing her eyes "because daddy told a funny joke" I said eyeing trey "mommy you having a boy or girl?" I don't know baby let's find out in 5 months. "Me gonna be a big sister" Miya "yea princess" trey said

5 months later....

"Ms and Mr Jones you will be having a baby boy" the nurse said me and trey busted out in tears I was crying so much that my baby was healthy and a boy. I always wanted a son and daughter. "What we gonna name him baby" I asked trey "Caiden Shawn Jones" trey said "I think that's cute both of their names sounds similar" I said "let's FaceTime Miya" trey said since Miya couldn't come she stayed with my grandma until we came back

We FaceTime Miya "hi mommy and daddy" she answered " hey baby and grandma" me and trey said "what is it mommy" she asked "it's a boy" I said "yay I gotta brother" Miya said "the baby healthy?" My grandma asked "yes and we're naming him Shawn" I said "aww baby I'm happy for y'all little family" grandma said "aww thanks grandma we'll be there soon" I said "ok baby see ya later" she said I hung up "Aaliyah I'm so happy I'm with you right now baby I can just go back to where we first met and had Miya at 17 we were young but we still did it together I wanna spend the rest of my life with you baby I promise I won't hurt again baby on my kids I won't hurt you anymore I love you I want you to be my soulmate" trey said all I could do is cry my heart out to what he said.

I hugged him so tight I wouldn't let him go "baby let's move and get married" I said

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