Part 23.

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"naw that must be wrong or something I'm not those kids father" I said " will this test say you are nigga" Monica said "you know what you come by my house tomorrow Kennedy ain't gone be here" I said hanging up. I guess I'm the father and now I need to step up for my kids so imma just give Monica money and imma have to tell Kennedy about it later.

"Girl I already know those his kids" I said on the phone with Aaliyah "he thought he was slick" Aaliyah said "yea and that's why I'm thinking about separating with him" I said "I mean whatever is best for you but I just want things to work out" she said " I know and I don't got time to be doing this with him" I said "but imma call you back later liyah" I said " alright bye Kennedy call me and tell me what happens" she said hanging up. I couldn't believe lanzo would go do some hoe shit like that this nigga got 1 son by another woman and 2 by another and we just had lyod. But imma see if he come to me about it like a men.

After I got off the phone with Kennedy I was just thinking about how much fun I had last night. Even tho my friends couldn't make because of some personal problems I still enjoyed myself. "Start packing" trey said walking in the room "for what?" I asked. "just pack some clothes" he said "ok baby" I said getting up. So I packed me a whole bunch of clothes and stuff because it seems like we're going somewhere for a couple days. So after that I took a shower brushed my teeth and then I put on a tight dress and did my hair and carried my purse with it.

Trey So I got myself packed and ready and I took shower and got dress and then I dropped shamiya over to my moms house for the week and then I came back and we hit the road

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So I got myself packed and ready and I took shower and got dress and then I dropped shamiya over to my moms house for the week and then I came back and we hit the road. "So where we going trey" she asked " you will see" I said "ok whatever" so we were driving for a whole day and then we finally made it Aaliyah wakes up from her "oh my god baby this is nice" she said getting out the car.

 "So where we going trey" she asked " you will see" I said "ok whatever" so we were driving for a whole day and then we finally made it Aaliyah wakes up from her "oh my god baby this is nice" she said getting out the car

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This nice getaway house I rented for us in Beverly Hills. "you like it?" I asked "yes I love it" she said while hugging me So we walked in the house and it was nice inside.

 "you like it?" I asked                        "yes I love it" she said while hugging me So we walked in the house and it was nice inside

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"Happy birthday baby" I said hugging her "thanks babe" she said kissing me "we gonna be here for a week" I said "oh my god for real" she said

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"Happy birthday baby" I said hugging her "thanks babe" she said kissing me "we gonna be here for a week" I said "oh my god for real" she said.

I hear a knock on the door "who is it?" I asked "Monica dumbass" she said I opened the door "don't start that shit my son sleep upstairs" I said irritated. " give me the money for my kids" she said holding her hand out. " alright hold on damn" I said so I go upstairs to my room to grab the 100$ out my dresser then while I'm on my way downstairs. Kennedy walking in "and why are you where?" Kennedy asked "to pick up some for my kids from their FATHER" she said. "Please leave my house" Kennedy said "no I think I'm fine waiting here" Monica responds " if you don't leave then imma have to make you" Kennedy said putting her hair in a ponytail "bitch wassup" Monica said "come outside bitch" Kennedy said walking outside. Monica walk outside "ok bit- before Monica can say something Kennedy start punching her.

They started fighting then I ran up to both of them pulling Kennedy off of them "get the fuck away from my" Kennedy yelled "bitch I'm here for my babies father" Monica "well guess what he can go to because it's over with us" Kennedy said walking away. "I'm sorry Kennedy" I  said pulling her "no go be with her it's over for us come pick your stuff up tomorrow" she said closing the door.

Me and trey been having such a good time so far. We both chose to go out to dinner outside by the water. We both set at the table with some good seafood cooked for us. "I love you baby" trey said kissing me " I love you to" I said smiling "I just wanna say I want you in my life forever" trey said " I want us to be together forever to" I said "and that's why I'm doing this" trey said getting down on one knee. "Baby will you marry me" trey asked while holding the ring. "Yes baby" I said crying.

Yasmeen"I'm sorry baby" I said crying "no bitch you got me fucked up" Eric said slapping me "if you don't answer your phone again imma beat your ass again bitch" he said walking out the room

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"I'm sorry baby" I said crying "no bitch you got me fucked up" Eric said slapping me "if you don't answer your phone again imma beat your ass again bitch" he said walking out the room. Ever since me and Eric been together he started drinking from his grandma passing he been so horrible to me and I'm scared.

I will be updating the characters for chapter 24. Thanks for reading 😘

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