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One Year Later

Lance stood in front of the statue of Allura feeling a weird mixture of sadness and contentedness. Allura had taught Lance so many things and for the longest time, she felt like his entire world. He had even said he couldn't imagine a world without her. But he had seen her go off with the first paladins, with her father and knew that because of her sacrifice his family would live and every other family in every other reality would live as well. Lance had Allura to thank for his life, and the life of is family and he would forever be grateful for what she did and forever love her for the sacrifice she made.

"Hey man, you okay?" Lance turned at the sound of the voice. Keith stood behind him, a few steps down, a soft smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Keith's smile got a little wider and Lance felt something run down his face. He hadn't even realized he had been silently crying. He wiped at his tears now as Keith chuckled. "Sorry, I'm just reminiscing."

"You don't have to apologize Lance." Keith said walking up the rest of the steps to stand next to him. "It's good to reminisce. I was just remembering the other day how, when we first met Allura, she had called your ears hideous." Lance blushed red as Keith laughed. "I think that's probably the funniest thing I've ever heard."

"Oh shut up Keith." Lance said, rolling his eyes.

"It's true. Allura was always so serious. Especially when we were up against Honerva." Lance took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. Keith licked his lips, feeling like he overstepped his boundaries. He hadn't come up here to talk about Allura. "Anyways, I jut wanted to see you before I left with my mom. Coran said you were out here."

"You're leaving already? I thought we were all going to spend a couple days together or something. We haven't seen each other in a while and..." Lance paused, he was rambling a little. And he felt he should shave known better. It may be the one year anniversary of Allura's death and while everyone still missed her, it was really only Coran and himself who were still mourning. Everyone else was slowly moving on. So why shouldn't Keith leave so soon after celebrating her life just the night before?

"I would love to stay. I had even planned to Lance but the galra are choosing their galactic representatives soon and I want to be there to cast my own vote. It's crazy how I have rights on another planet as a half galra." Keith said with a small laugh.

"It is pretty cool." Lance said, smiling back. Keith rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, we all have to meet up again soon. We can't go 3 months without seeing one another again. I miss all of you when I'm away." Lance smirked.

"Even me?" He joked.

"Especially you." Keith said. "You're my right hand man Lance." Lances eyes widened a little at the admission and he nearly blushed as Keith nudged him. "I'll see you soon. You should answer that universal phone Pidge made for us more often." Lance nodded as the two of them began to head down the steps of the statue.

"I think I have a bad signal on my family farm." Keith laughed.

"Well climb a hill or something." Lance grinned as they reached the bottom.

"Come on Keith!" Krolia called out from the distance. The two boys glanced over and Keith waved in acknowledgment. Krolia nodded and headed towards their ship with Kolivan.

"I still can't believe you turned down being a galra emperor." Keith shrugged,

"You know me. I'm a shitty leader."

"No you're not. You're the best leader I know." Keith smiled.

"Thank you Lance." He held out his hand to shake Lance's. Lance took one look at his hand and shook his head before moving in for a hug. Keith felt his heart skip a beat in his chest as Lance squeezed him tightly. Keith smiled and slowly, wrapped his arms around Lance. When they pulled back, Keith saw that his altean markings were shining brightly and his eyes were wet with tears again.

"Get out of here before you cry idiot." Lance said, punching Keith's shoulders.

"Yeah, I better." Keith said with a laugh, walking away. Lance waved as Keith walked to the ship and when Keith looked back, he waved as well.

If you had told Lance four years ago that him and Keith would be best friends in the future, Lance would have said that that was crazy but now, he couldn't picture his life without Keith in it.

Hello friends! I don't know when I'll start posting but as soon as I hash out this whole story, I'll let you now. It'll probably come out sometime after I finish Don't Come Down. So just follow that Klance story and wait I guess. Lol. As for the four years thing lance mentioned. I'm just going to say I'd like to think all the events of Voltron s1-8 happened in three years and then this one year later is after Allura's death. Alright?
Thanks for reading as always! Stay posted for updates.

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