'What a shame'

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Draco's PoV

"Is it a bird?" Oh Godric..
"Pansy, if you don't stop, I swea-,"

"Is it a plane?"
"You know I don't get any of the references you make, right?"

"No! It's Draco Malfoy, missing the snitch yet again because he was too busy eyeing up golden-boy Potter,"
"Piss off, I was not 'eyeing him up'," On purpose.

"Right, yeah, sure. So you just so happened to miss it completely and almost fly head on, into a goal post, hm?" She mocked, her voice laced with bitter sarcasm.

"I'm just...tired, is all," I stated, sounding unsure for the both of us.
"Tired?..oh.." A smirk rose on the sly girls face,"not able to sleep, huh?"
"What was-"

"Something on your mind? Perhaps, dare I say, someone?" She inquired, nudging me with an unwanted playfulness.

"Not everything has to be like that Pansy. I'm quite a troubled person, you know,"

"Didn't say no.." She persisted.

"Didn't say yes, either," I added, panic forming unreasonably.

"So your saying, in subtext, that you don't lay awake at night, longing for him?"

"That is exactly wha-"

"And you're not in agony knowing it's unrequited?" ..ouch.

Pansy had long caught many of my bluffs and so I tried to mask anything her words evoked. Instead, I rolled my eyes with a sigh and continued onwards to the 'changing tent' ( that been erected after '8th' years were granted permission to continue quidditch matches). Pansy followed me closely.

"Do you wish to accompany him in the dark? Comfort him? I hear he has nightmares," she continued, unaware of the heartstrings she were pulling with every bit of laughter.

"Why are you like this?"

My question fell to ignorant ears as she observed him.
"You're still not denying it,".

She was thankfully silent as she pondered her next irritation. I had almost thought that I would get away from her. But, alas, the dreams of sinners are not meant to be fulfilled.

"Do you dream of him?"

My mask had fallen and my eyes widened subconsciously. My unreasonable panic intensified.

A giggle slipped from her mouth as she saw this.
"Oh, so I'm right. I though there was more honesty between us than this, Draco,"

"No. No-"

"It's nothing to be ashamed of," she continued, her face unreadable.

"I don't-"

"I wonder, do you ever wake up in cold sweat? Do you call out for him in your sleep? What you must sound like...."

A sigh escaped my lips before my eyes shot open. Me and several surrounding students jumped as Pansy put her acting skills to test and let out an exaggerated moan.


She laughed before continuing her vulgar display, much to the confusion of her peers.
"Please Harry. Help! My homosexual desires are too much to handle,"

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