Blackout Drunk Pt. 2

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People are actually reading these?!
Thanks for being here and suffering through them, I guess?

You know the drill- blah blah tired blah blah won't make sense blah blah blah...

Draco's POV

If I learn anything from this, it's that my friends are shit at looking out for me.

That's what I'm going to stick to, anyway. My self esteem can't take the beating of me blaming myself for anything else.

So they can take the blame and I'll just sit here feeling sorry for myself.

After making several attempts of removing myself from bed, and ending up either on the floor or back under my duvet, I had given up trying to appear alive.

The sun that filtered through the water lapping against our window, now became a menace: blinding his eyes and stabbing my already sore brain. Weakness echoed in my limbs, dragging them into the mattress.

Godric, why do I do this to myself?

The buzzing in my head was battled by the silence of the room, fading into a mild ringing in my ears. In that moment, I could only hope that my prayers for sleep were going to someone helpful, realising quickly that, if there was a God, he wouldn't raise a finger for me.

Instead of being greeted by relieving sleep, my abdomen simply grew tighter. In the few seconds after realising this, in a fit of confusion and panic, I raced into the bathroom. My feet stumbled beneath me, forcing my side into the doorway and inevitably bruising it, before I fell to my knees and emptied my stomach into the toilet.

My throat stung and tears peeked from the corners of my eyes. Despite having to deal with the throbbing of my temple, I felt significantly better standing up from the bathroom floor, if a little disorientated.

A wince masked my face as I caught my reflection. Yesterday's clothes hung, dishevelled on my body and the cuffs of my sleeves were tinted ochre by the numerous times I had wiped the strong liquid from my lips.

That was about as far as my memory of last night went, in that moment anyway.

As soon as I reentered the empty dorm room, the illuminated screen of my phone grabbed my attention from where it lay, discarded on the floor. Between the ringing of my ears, the voices of my friends creeped away from the common room. Pansy's voice, as usual, fell above the rest, sounding defensive about something that I probably wouldn't care about at all, as usual.

I picked up the phone hesitantly, alarmed at the amount of messages that adorned the screen.
I racked my brain, finding no reason that drunk-me could have upset someone. Which was new, considering how much of a dick I was to people, normally.

The number was unknown, but seemed very sure of who I was.

Unknown: Draco. Pansy gave me your number.

Unknown: its Hermione

Unknown: *it's

What the hell? Why would she- oh no.

No. No no no. Drunk me was a fucking idiot, yes. But surely be could keep his mouth shut.
Surely - I mean, I'm good with secrets. Sort of.

Hermione: I know we aren't exactly on good terms.

Hermione: in fact, i might have just made it worse between us.

Hermione: which is Pansy's fault.

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