Rope Burns

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I don't know why I bother explaining this anymore. I was exhausted when I wrote this and still am now. It might not make sense. It probably doesn't. You don't have to stay,  it's mostly dialogue anyway.

"Draco, what is that?" Pansy questioned, her alarm filling the dormroom.

It was times exactly like this that Draco cursed the stairs logic.
Sure, she was gay. And yes, that meant she had no unsavoury reasons to enter the boys' dorm. Still doesn't mean she should be allowed there.

Her stern voice had alerted his only present roommate to move closer and inspect for damage. Draco, now more-than-slightly panicked, pulled his sleeve down quickly, cursing himself for not casting a healing charm quicker. He breathed out deeply, regret in his eyes as he looked between Pansy and Blaise.

Confusion flickered within him as the dark haired girl kneeled on the floor beside him (he had crouched to search in his trunk) with a sorrowed expression. Blaise leaned against the bed post and watched on.

"Draco, what is that?" She repeated, quietly.
"What're you talking about?"

"Those are...I don't want to believe that he would ever do anything to hurt you..but..."

"Pansy, you're not-"

"If something is happening between you and Harry, you can tell me, you know."


She responded with another sympathetic expression, holding his hand gently and tugging the sleeve up with her index finger. Her grip grew even weaker when she was greeted with the sight of a purple-red ring around his wrist; she stared for a moment.

Behind them, Blaise's eyes widened: with less concern and the twitch of a smirk. Not that either of his companions saw.

"If he- if he's hurting you Draco, you can say." She stated, rendering her blond friend speechless.

In his stunned silence, she reached over and slid up his other sleeve. A similar ring of thick, maroon/pink etched itself into his skin. Missing the suspicious symmetry  of the markings, and Draco's defensive expression, her eyes grew glossy. A sound choked in her throat before she spoke next,

"Why haven't you said anything?"

Still slightly bewildered, Draco looked to Blaise for assistance, only to find the darker skinned boy with a face of amusement.

Pansy spoke up again, "Draco, did Harry do this?"

"What?- no.."

"Someone else? Have you told-?"

"No, I mean, it was..him." Draco stammered.

"Draco..." she whimpered, holding a heartbroken expression.

"No, it's- it's really not what you're thinking."

She furrowed her brows at his words, both confused and concerned.
"If he's told you to-"

"Pansy," Blaise interrupted, answering Draco's prayers, "how about, you go find Theo. He can...tell all of us."


"Pansy, go. I'll talk to him."

The girl observed Draco once more. She pushed a strand of hair behind his ear, with a sympathetic gentleness that he didn't need.
She nodded to Blaise, who added something like -"i think I saw him near the lake, last"- and watched her leave through the door. Seconds after she had left, he slammed the door shut and locked the door, swivelling around the face his remaining friend.

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