Blackout Drunk Pt.3

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::God, it has been forever, hasn't it?

Draco's POV

Oh fucking hell.

"Draco, look at me," Pansy ordered, a smile creeping through her words, " I know this is my fault but, let's be honest, it's kind of a blessing for you."


"Exactly. Now, where's my wand?"

She swiped her fingers across her cheeks, removing some of the gritty blackness. Blaise leant closer to her, slipping her wand into the palm of her hand.

"Sorry to say this Draco, but, you look like shit." She stated, twiddling the piece of wood between her fingers.

"I feel it, as well." He added.

"Right..let's see.." she trailed off, tapping the length of wood against her bottom lip before flicking it towards him. A ghost of a spell slipped from her lips and sent ribbons of white light towards the blond.

"Ow." He whined pointlessly as a strand of the light slipped through his hair and dragged his head slightly backwards.

Shivers wracked his body as the spell circled him, refreshing his clothes but leaving them icy in its wake. Finally the ribbons returned to their master, one smug-looking Pansy Parkinson.

"I'm not even going to question as to when you got so good at charms." Draco stated, straightening his now crisp shirt sleeves.

"Good, you have more important things to do. Right, that should have sorted your breath as well, so, if he decides to stick his tongue dow-"

"Alright Pansy. That's enough."

She smiled proudly, the sorrows being forgotten.
"And remember, I promise not to listen in, if you promise to give us the deets afterwards. All the juicy deets."

Draco scoffed, "never again, do I want to hear the term 'juicy deets-"

"Guys, enough chat. Future Potter-Malfoy is waiting for you, go." Blaise interrupted, ushering him towards the door with a lazy hand, from his returned lounge on the bed.

"Don't push it." Draco laughed, moving swiftly towards the doorway.

"I wanna be the best-man!" Pansy called.

"Just wait 'till I get back!"

"I'm thinking a spring-wedding!" Theo joined in.

"I'll get all of you. And it'll look like an accident!" He called from nearer the bottom step.

He could vaguely hear the sound of laughter as he entered the common room, followed by the muffled voice of Theo, "I'm going to make your life hell, if you don't teach me that spell."

He laughed with them, under his breath. Another knock resonated through the room, thankfully empty due to the early-for-a-saturday time, and reset the pace of his heartbeat.

Free hand fidgeting beside him, he opened the door. The expected visitor standing, wide-eyed with an infectious smile. He readjusted his glasses out of sheer nerves and tried to speak, his words catching in his throat and melting into a chuckle.

Draco stood, paler than usual, slightly behind the door still; now debating whether this was a ploy to get back at him for..well..everything.

The darker skinned boy cleared his throat before finally speaking, "Draco...I don- hi."

He rolled his eyes at his own stammering, scoffing.


"You know what, I rushed here thinking I'm all that and, I haven't a fucking clue what I'm supposed to say," he admitted.

The blond slipped from behind the door and closed it behind him, leaning into the carved wood.

"Classic Griffindor." Draco stated with a laugh hiding beneath his tongue. His heart, however, still pounded as though trying to escape his chest.

"I guess..." he accepted.


"I mean, I have a basic idea of what I wanted to do.."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, but then I considered that you might not have been in the greatest state of mind when you said what you said. Then again, I'm this close and you haven't taken my head off my shoulders yet," he laughed quietly.

"You're not wrong,"

"Maybe I just haven't annoyed you enough yet, though."

"Maybe." Draco replied, now entranced by the tongue that darted from Harry's mouth and along his lips for a millisecond at most.

"And maybe, you're just waiting for the right moment to reveal the dagger from behind your back," he suggested, inching closer.

"Entirely plausible."

"Or your trying to seduce me, in order to kill me in my sleep."


"Oh, so your not going to deny it?"

"Well, does it not seem like a risk worth taking. Griffindor bravery, and all that," the blond practically whispered, his breath brushing the lips of the very-close Harry.

" is quite tempting." He stated.

Draco nodded, eyes switching between the jade counterparts and the plump lips below them.

"..what do you think I should do?.." Harry whispered, so close to brushing the others lips.
He planted a hand on the dark wood behind Draco, securing him against the door.

Slender fingers reached up and edged along his jaw, tracing a few freckles that graced the tan skin.
"I' an idea."

"Is that so?" He teased, moving ever closer.

Draco could only hum in response as a pair of warm lips collided beautifully with his own. The strength dropped from his body and he wrapped his other arm around his company's neck, lacing his fingers together beneath curls of raven hair.

I should get pissed up more often.

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