Library troubles

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Again: really short. Might be deleted.

Draco's POV

Draco, you need to calm down. Libraries are places of tranquility and study. If you can't act civil and banish unholy thoughts, you need to leave.

A deep but rattled sigh left my mouth as I tried to refocus on my book. My eyes flickered over to the figure at the other end of the table and strayed long enough to see them rolling up their sleeves and leaning back in their chair.

My eyes darted back to my page and pretended to continue reading, despite having lost my place. I feigned tidying my hair in a poorly executed attempt to hide my unreasonable blush.

Why am I even blushing!? He didn't do anything. This is why Pansy doesn't leave me alone.
Then again, I wish I wasn't alone right now. I can't operate by myself, I need supervision. Especially with him around.

My eyes glanced to him again, despite my inner-Pansy screaming at me otherwise. His hair (which had been vaguely tamed over the summer) hung over his forehead, still wet from showering, as he leans over his book.

How did I know he had showered? Well...I assumed that Griffindor had the pitch for quidditch practice. Assumed, of course.
It wasn't like I knew his timetable; that would be..slightly stalker-ish.

He pushed his glasses up on his nose and flicked a strand of wet hair away from his eyes. He's not doing...anything. Take a breath and calm down.

I crossed my ankles under the table and sighed, trying to submerge myself in study once more.

..what if he's looking at you?
He's not.
..he could be. You should check.

My eyes flickered to his seat, where he remained absorbed, if slightly bored, in his reading.

see, told you.
...talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence. Not madness.

This is what Pansy meant by a disaster. A gay disaster, in fact.
..At least I'm pretty.

I shook my head to myself before inevitably looking over to Harry again.  Would he agree?

His eyes were striking against his darker skin; jawline visibly wider and more...mature?

And back to the unholy train-of-thought. Carriage after carriage of admittedly pleasing sights - clothes slowly becoming less frequent. Not now.

I leaned my face closer to the page, head resting on my hand, and turned hopefully unnoticeably away from him.

I almost survived another ten minutes, having done the bare-minimum of work, before the creek of a chair was heard.

I focused even harder and mentally scolded myself.

Out of my sight, Harry had abandoned his book and was stretching his arms behind his back. A moan of satisfaction slipped from his mouth followed by a deep sigh.

My head subconsciously shot up at this; fortunately unbeknownst to him.

That moan...went through my entire body. I felt it in my soul.

Unfortunately, I didn't revel in the heat it brought to my face or my...face. Just my face.

I shoved my book in my bag and slipped from my chair, escaping the library with a sigh of relief. Pansy would not be hearing about this.


Harry's POV

I watched as the blond scurried from the library, after relishing in watching him squirm for the past hour.

A smirk rose to my lips as he slipped through the heavy doors and disappeared; cheeks glowing. Sighing gleefully, I leaned back in the wooden chair, contemplating my next approach.

He's a lot shyer than I thought he'd be. Cute though.

I'm sure I'll enjoy this. Maybe we both will..

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