Part of the family

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All rights to the artist; I just thought other people deserved to be blessed with this as much as I did.

Harry's PoV

I don't mean to sound dramatic but this man, in front of me - I would die for him. And that says a lot because I have struggled to die in the past. I mean, I did die once, but it was only for a little bit; I got better.
Back to the topic, he was my world.

The room twinkled with Christmas lights and the sky exploded in orange and pink beyond the window. A concoction of peppermint vodka and hot chocolate rested in my hand and numbed my fingers as I lounged in what was (compared to my past) paradise. I smile adorned my face as I opened my eyes; pupils undoubtedly dilated, as per usual.

"Happy now?" Draco asked, raising his arms and dropping them in exasperation.
A pale blue jumper hung from his body, woollen with an off-white 'D' against the chest. I looked down at the 'matching' green jumper I wore and smiled wider.

"Welcome to the family, Draco," I beamed, sipping from the mug that I held.

He looked down at the clothing he wore and sighed; had I not known him any better, I might have said he was smiling. But, obviously not. 'Malfoy's don't smile'

"I am..utterly horrified,"
"I think you mean to say 'eternally grateful' and 'at peace with yourself'" I corrected, grinning behind my cup.

"No that is not what I meant. Why did you tell her to make this?"
"I didn't. She's accepting you into her family. You have now joined the Weasley clan,"
"I don't recall ever wanting to,"
"It's not a choice. Me? They found me in a train station and decided to take me home like a stray. Before I knew it, I was eating their food and included in matching-jumper photographs,"

"Okay, but why do I need a jumper?" He asked, sitting down and pulling my stationary arm around his shoulder.
"Why is it such a problem? The amount of times you've stolen mine, you'd think you wanted one,"
"I was 'stealing' it as an act of asserting dominance and coping with you being at work - it wasn't in admiration of the craft," he responded assuredly, tucking his head into my shoulder.

I should probably note that it was at this moment I noticed how flushed his cheeks were. Combined with his attempts to mask the slurring of some of his words, he was drunk. Not aggressively, I'll-fight-myself drunk but more soft, affectionate, stroke-my-hair kind of drunk.

I chuckled at this thought and ran my hand through the blonde locks that tickled my cheek, earning a blissful sigh.

"Are you okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"No reason, I just wanted a reason to tell you that I have never been so okay. Like, I am so bloody happy it's insane," I spoke randomly

He laughed quietly and eventually caught my infectious okay-ness.

"Yeah, fine. I am the most okay I have ever been as well. So, bloody okay and happy and content with life and in love with you and grateful for everything everyone has done for me recently. Godric, you're right. Everything is so perfectly okay," he rambled.

I scoffed lightly at the words that spewed from his mouth. I am so in love with you.

He started giggling to himself after a while of comfortable silence. You are so cute.

"You didn't even drink much. Was there too much brandy in the cake?"

"No..Merlin, what are those? What are you wearing?"

I noticed his gaze on my socks and laughed at the memory. He watched as I laughed and nuzzled his head further into me as we locked eyes.
"A good friend gave them to me years ago...I never got the chance to give anything back,"

"Oh, in that case," he paused and pulled himself up with his elbow, planting a kiss on my lips. He moved away with a soft smile," they're beautiful,"

"I love you so much," I spoke, unable to stop myself anymore.
"Merlin, you're so soft. I love you too,"

~ Drarry Oneshots ~Where stories live. Discover now