Draco, we're in class.

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~Probably quite short. Maybe a bit flat. Sorry.
~~The ending sucks as well. Shocker, I know.

Veela!Draco (because I can't get enough of it.)

Severus' fingers visibly clenched around the vial he held, just falling short of crushing the glass, as another wave of chatter washed over his class. He had hoped the Eighth Years to be mature: to want to get through his classes and leave the school as much as he did.

He was undoubtedly proven wrong at the constant need to regain their attention. Despite his own knowledge, a glare pushed onto his face, aimed at the blond miscreant at the back of the room.

The blond's head perked up, sensing the glare, and tilted his head. He caught the professor's gaze and glared back, before returning to his business.

His business being the maintenance of his lover's (and well-chosen mate's) happiness and security: to the amusement of their peers.

The two boys sat at their usual table, the furthest from Snape's but basking in mid-day sunlight, closer than most would have liked. Flushed and resisting a smile, Harry continued to note down whatever he managed to hear the disgruntled professor say.

Firm and pale arms circled his waist, holding him tightly in place having pulled him almost into his lap. The blond's nose nuzzled into his neck and shoulder; whining occasionally for Harry's acknowledgement. It was moments like that that grabbed everyone's attention and he would be shushed.

With his quill-free hand, he brushed through the blond hair that flowed near his cheek, earning a content sigh.
He sighed with him, unable to push him away having taken heed of Bill and Fleurs' advice. It wouldn't last long - a week or two, he repeated like a mantra, not that he was entirely unhappy with his boyfriend's behaviour.

He caressed Draco's hair again, noticing the delicate texture of the small feathers that jotted his hairline. Another content sigh slipped the boy's lips as he pulled Harry impossibly closer.

His head pushed further into the crook of his shoulder, emitting a loud, purr-like sound. A shade of red painted the boy's already warm-complexion when the students in front of them turned around in confusion. Harry's chest vibrated with the growl that Draco greeted them with, causing them to turn back regretfully.

A smirk rose to the veela's face, before he continued nosing the tanned boy's cheek. He tightened his grip around his waist and reached the other up to remove the quill from his hand, lacing their fingers together.

Exasperation finally set into Harry as he gave in, allowing Draco to move and preen him however he wished. The loud purr echoed in the room again, reverberating mostly through his body and heating his neck and face.

Disregarding this heat, Harry concluded that he enjoyed the noise. It was obviously a happy and loving noise in Draco's current vernacular, spreading the warmth of affection through his chest.
His quill lay neglected on the parchment, ignored as it stained a small, dark blot between scribbled words.

Draco's purring hadn't stopped, bringing a rise of giggles and chatter, much to Snape's dismay. Instead of making any attempt to silence them, however, Draco took their joy as encouragement, pulling Harry closer. Through the corner of his eye, the blond was staring daringly at his godfather, leaning into Harry's hand as he stroked his cheek, and chittering, a sound that was unfamiliar but not unwelcome.

The classroom's buzz was disrupted by the professor raising his wand-armed hand, asking for silence with a threat of detention.

It lasted for several minutes before Draco began acting up. Small chitters and whines became louder - Harry caught Hermione sending him a look, mixed with sympathy and laughter.

She blocked a laugh as Harry's eyes widened, feeling the pinch of Draco's teeth on his earlobe. He turned to him, still wrapped in his arms, quietly scolding him.

In return, Draco grinned, flashing sharp canines, and growled playfully, kneading his shoulder with his forehead.
Despite desperate attempts to stop it, a smile tugged at Harry's lips, unwillingly urging Draco go carry on. Meaning that it was only seconds before he felt his teeth snap at his ear again.

Meaning that he, again, scolded him silently over his shoulder.

The small, light growl reached his ears again.

"..no." he whispered, raising a finger slightly.

Draco nosed his jaw, growling still; a smile still present.

".stop it.."

The low noise sounded again.

Instead of correcting him, Harry resorted to mimicking the sound. It was undoubtedly more human but still silenced the tall boy beside him.

Draco leant back, registering the noise, grinning again. It had had the opposite effect of what Harry wanted.

The blond's head fell onto his shoulder again, emitting a low grumble that echoed in Harry's chest. He was quiet waiting for Harry to copy him again.
Being greeted with silence wasn't what he wanted, growling again.

Harry sighed before emitting his rendition, allowing Draco to relish and enjoy it. He smiled up to the green eyes that watched him. The attention warmed him until Harry became distracted by something else.

Most of, if not all, the eyes in the room were on them.

"Mr Potter. Mr..Malfoy. I-" Snape began.

He was, fortunately interrupted by the cacophony outside of the door, signalling the end of lesson. The room fell into the same level of noise as students packed away or piled out of the half-open doubledoor.

Draco laughed in glee at the expression of his boyfriend.

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