I Hate You

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Draco's PoV

"At least my parents didn't live to see their only child become a disappointment," He spat, malice oozing from him. He smirked and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Pain cut through my heart like a knife; more wounds to hide.
"Because I'm sure they'd be so proud of your petty insults and obsessive vendetta against me, if they were,"

"At least it's something. People have just tried to neglect your presence. Bad choices have consequences, Malfoy,"

"Really, you're going there?"
"Anything to cause your misery," he replied, pushing me back into the wall.

"I fucking hate you," I whispered, both irritated and saddened by the scenario I faced.
"Sorry, what was that?" He asked, stepping closer with his vicious expression.
"I said," I paused before landing a punch to the side of his head. The corridor was quiet save for the crack of glasses hitting the floor. And what might have been his hysteric laughter as I walked away.

"I fucking hate you!"


As much as it was my favourite, Potions dragged. An essay for 'Combatants to Common Poisons' was due by the end of the lesson and, so far, I had written:
March, 2nd-

...That was it.

Thankfully, though, I wasn't the only one that appeared to be distracted. Everyone's favourite Gryffindor and his right hand sat in front of me; their papers neglected as their shoulders racked with laughter. I fought a sneer as I noticed the leaf that was hiding in Weasley's hair - almost competing for biggest mess with Potter's.

Another round of laughter shook through before I kicked their bench from under the table.
"Will the pair of you shut up." I quipped, in a loud whisper.
"Why? Jealous of those who actually have friends, Malfoy?" Weasley spat. He spat out my name with such a malice that I might have been hurt. If I had had any care for him whatsoever.

But still, I said nothing back. A mere scoff escaped me before I turned back to my 'writing'.
"Don't worry, Draco, I'm sure you'll find someone, someday," Potter added, halfway between malice and joke.

I looked up and glared at him, being returned with a smirk.
I shook my head as he turned back around, not long before they shook in badly-hidden laughter again.

A muttered whisper emitted from my mouth, "I hate you, Harry Potter,"


"Pansy, for the last time, no I don't,"
"You sure, though?"

"What gives you the idea that I do?" I asked, irritated. I adjusted a grey scarf around my neck in the mirror, catching her small smile from behind me.
"I catch you looking at him an awful lot,"
"And that's not a coincidence?"
"I don't know, do I? You don't tell us much these days," she sighed, seeming defeated, and slightly melancholic.

"Well, again, I don't,"
"You don't like him?" She persisted.

"No, I Draco Malfoy, do solemnly swear that I detest him. I hate Harry Potter,"


Funny how things turn out. Of course, only funny if you defined the word as: complete torture for all those involved. Then, yeah, this was fucking hilarious.

~ Drarry Oneshots ~Where stories live. Discover now