Pick-up Lines

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Harry's PoV

"Harry, you know how some of your ideas are often awful and shouldn't be attempted? This is one of those ideas," Hermione reasoned, following me through the crowded hallway.

"You mean the ideas that often end successfully so I attempt them anyway?" I responded, eyes dancing over everyone in search of one beautiful individual.

"That's irrelevant. This one will only humiliate you,"
"And what makes you so sure?"

"Because generally, when you 'feud' with someone for a fraction of your life, you can't just suddenly expect them to like you when you decide they're all-right looking,"
"'Mione, you act like I haven't thought this through. And trust me, the decision wasn't taken lightly,"

"Still irrelevant. You realise this sudden attraction could just be down to your teenage hormones. You shouldn't chase some pretty boy simply because you're some horny teenager of ambiguous sexuality,"
"Okay, firstly: the term is bisexual. It isn't ambiguous as you think. Secondly: teenage hormones are a great base for relationships; ask Dean and Seamus,"

"I'm pretty sure Dean and Seamus were together before hormones came into the mix,"


"Fine, but just know that when this doesn't work out, I'm not going to help you with anything. In fact, I might even laugh at your suffering," she stated, trying another hand at deception.

"We both know you're lying, Hermione, you and Ron have followed me through hell and back. There is nothing you won't support me through,"

I scoffed as she sighed in exasperation. Love you too, Hermione.


I spent several minutes trailing through the school corridors before I spotted him. Hermione had dropped from my side a while ago, muttering something about studying and the like.

Draco leaned against a stone column with a foot planted against the wall. His usual company of a dark haired girl (who I think was called Pansy; not that I pay much attention) leaned next him, painting her lips in almost black lipstick, assisted by the mirror suspended in front of her.

They both seemed enthralled enough in their conversation but quickly paused when they noticed me approaching. Pansy's (?) mirror closed with a snap and something noticeably clicked in Draco's mind, pulling a sneer onto his face.

Suddenly, I wasn't so brave. Maybe Hermione was right.

Her words seemed to echo as I drew closer. Both students, high cheekbones and piercing eyes, beautiful in their own rights, surveyed him as he walked.

I am regretting this. Why did I ever think this was a good idea. Abort. Abort.

Regret must have been clear on my face as Draco's eyebrows furrowed. They must already think me a bit weird. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt any status I had if I just ran. Just turn around and run. Turn around an-


My words caught in my throat as I came face to face with him. I shoved a small piece of parchment into his hands and fled.

Had I stayed, I would have seen his eyes widen as he read it, flickering his gaze from the paper to my retreating back. Pansy glanced at the note from over his shoulder, a smile lighting up her face as she nudged her friend, who seemed frozen where he stood.

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