I Stand Here Waiting

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Emily paced the room with the sick, crying baby in her arms and wondered where the hell her husband was. She knew he was angry but right now she needed him. Conrad had dropped her and the baby home and her car was missing from the driveway, indicating that fact that Daniel wasn't home.

Pulling her phone out of her hand bag with one hand, she dialed his number and held the phone to her ear, only for it to go to message bank.

"Damn it Daniel," she cursed under her breath angrily.

She laid Meg down in the rocker on the bench and measured out more panodol for the crying infant. Emily needed Daniel, Meg needed Daniel. Meg had never been this sick, she was only three months. Emily pulled the baby thermometer from the cupboard and put it in Meg's ear, waiting for it to beep. Now, she may not have been a doctor, or ever seem Meg like this before, but she knew that a 40degree (104f) temperature was to high. There wasn't anything she could do though, she had already given her the medication.

Emily took Meg upstairs and changed her in the nursery. She sat down in the rocking chair and rocked back and forward, not knowing what else to do.

It was late when Emily woke up again, she could feel Megs burning skin through her clothes. Slowly she stood and laid the baby in the cot before heading out of the room and downstairs. The clock confirmed her thoughts of it being late; nearly 2:30. Daniel was still not home, but Emily couldn't be bothered with him.

She made herself a tea, and then after drinking it she headed upstairs. After getting changed she pulled back the blankets on the bed, only to be interrupted by whimpering coming from the baby monitor.

Emily sighed and made her way back into the nursery only to see the baby fitting in the cot.

"Meg?!" She said in a panic as she ran for the cot. "Meghan, Meg baby wake up."

Emily didn't know what to do. She just watched and waited until Meg stopped shaking and let out a a loud cry as she woke up.

"It's okay, it's okay," Emily whispered picking her up and racing down the stairs. "Shh, mummy's here."

She kissed her forehead and walked out into the cold night air and toward Daniels car. After strapping Meg into the baby seat she pulled out of the driveway and headed to the hospital. She kept one hand firmly on the wheel and kept the other behind her and on Meg in the backseat.

It's hard to describe the thoughts going through Emilys head. What was wrong? Would she be okay? This isn't normal, why is she like this? Keep your eyes open Meg. Don't close them, stay awake, we will be at the hospital soon.

Meg fell back asleep and a moment later she was fitting again as Emily pulled up at the hospital.

"Someone help my baby," Emily said running up the the front desk in emergency with Meg still fitting in her arms.

"She's having a fit, get the doctor," One of the nurses took Meg from her arms and rushed into one of the emergency bays with Emily rushing closely behind.

The doctor rushed in and set about his job as the nurse led Emily away.

"What's wrong with her?" Emily asked running her hand through her hair.

"That's what the doctor is working out now Ms Grayson. I need to ask you some questions. Tell me what happened."

"We came home and she wasn't well, I gave her some panodol and I out her to sleep. I woke up later and then when I went to check on her she was fitting. She stopped and I came here but she started again in the car. God, is she going to be okay?" Emily asked, tears in her eyes.

"She's going to be fine Ms Grayson," the doctor said.

Emily turned around to his voice.

"She had what we call a febrile convulsion because her temperature was up so high. It's rare in babies under 6 months but we've given her a dose of antibiotics to get rid of any possible infection and you can take her in the morning."

"Thank you so much." Emily said walking back towards the baby laying on the bed with the side rails up.

"No pro-...."

The doctor was interrupted as paramedics raced through the door with a gurney. Something didn't feel right as Emily looked at the bruised and bloody man on the guerney. It was like he looked oddly familiar. Until it hit her.

"Daniel!" She yelped.

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