An Explaination

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A/N: Guys I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I,meeting all the comments saying how sad my chapters are but how much you love them! I'm sorry and i promise she won't keep having miscarriages throughout this book! xxx
"I don't understand why this keeps happening. I know I have the bullet scars but I don't understand why I keep misscarrying," Emily cried to the doctor. She was frustrated and desperate for answers and wanted to know what she can do to stay pregnant.
"Here," he bought up the ultrasound on the computer and pointed to it. "Mrs Grayson you can clearly see the bullet scars taking up a proportion of you uterus."
"So? Can't the baby grow around it?"
"The placenta grows with the baby and you're misscarrying because the placenta in growing on the scars which is making it detach from your womb. That's why you're misscarrying. Once the placenta detaches the baby dies."
"Well why cant the placenta grow in a different place?"
"It's rare that it will and the odds are against you. It will mostly likely always grow over your scars."
"Well what are the odds of us getting a successful pregnancy?" Daniel asked putting an arm around emily.
"For it to not grow over the scars? 1 in 500."
Emily made a strangled sob and buried her head in Daniels chest.
"Can we do anything about that?"
"Sadly no, it's just the position of the scars. We can do surgery to try and remove them but there is only a 50% chance it'll be successful and surgery will leave its own scars."
"I don't want to limit our chances anymore than what they already are," Emily said.
"Yeah I know," he whispered kissing her head before turning back to the doctor. "What about IVF?"
"IVF would start the process of the baby growing but once we transfer it to the womb the placenta has just as much chance of developing and growing over the scars. In your case it would just be a waste of time and money. All you can really do is keep trying and hope for the best."
"Okay, thank you," Daniel nodded. "Is there anything else you need to do with Em or are we good to go?"
"No, everything is fine you can go," the doctor gave them a sympathetic smile. "Good luck for the future."
Daniel shook his hand and then helped Emily up before leading her out of the room and down the corridor.
"I'm sorry," she whispered resting her head on his shoulder.
"Don't be, it's not your fault."
"You're right, it's Aidens. But he would've never been in our life if it hadn't have been for him."
"Hey, it doesn't matter. I love you and that will never ever change."
"I love you too."

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