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"Em I'm home!" Daniel called walking in from doing the grocery shop. "Em?"
"Dada!" Meg smiled walking over to him.

He picked her up and placed her on his hip.
"Hello my beautiful girl. How are you?"
"Good. Dada buy cookies?"
"I did buy cookies for you. Do you want some afternoon tea?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes please daddy," she smiled.
"Good manners."

He sat her down at the bench and unpacked the shopping while she waited patienly for the cookies.
"Here you go my angel," he smiled handing her a plate of cookies and a sippy cup of orange juice.
"Tank you."
"Where is your mummy?"

She shrugged her shoulder. Daniel grabbed the cookies and orange juice and sat it down on Meg's little table so she wasn't at the height of the kitchen stool.
"There you go. I'm just going to find mummy." He put her down and kissed her head before walking up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Emily was laying asleep on the bed, tearstains on her cheek curled up in a ball. Suprised that she had been crying, Daniel laid down beside her and pulled her into his arms. She stirred awake to the movement and sniffled slightly before rolling over to face Daniel.

"Hi," he said smiling slightly.
"How was your day?" she mumbled as he kissed her head.
"Better than yours by the looks of it. Why have you been crying?"
"It's nothing," she said wiping her eyes.
"I'm sure it's something."
"No, it's not I'm fine."
"What did we promise in our wedding vows?"
"To always be honest to each other," she mumbled.
"What's going on?"
"I-..." She wiped away a newly formed tear.
"You can tell me anything."
"I think I'm- I think I'm preg-pregnant," she replied chocking down her sobs.
"You think?" He asked.
"I haven't take a test yet. I was scared, I don't want to do this again."
"Oh baby," he kissed her head. "It's okay."
"I don't want to loose another baby Daniel. This was never supposed to happen."
"You don't even know if you're pregnant yet sweetheart. Take the test."
"I don't want to do it alone."
"I'll be right by yourside. Where is it?"
"In my handbag. It's been in there for a while, I've just been too scared."

He got up and grabbed the pregnancy test from her handbag sitting on the corner chair.

"You go and take this and once you're done come out here and we will wait for the results together," he whispered handing it to her.
"Okay," she replied sitting up. "I'll be back in a moment."

She did what she needed to do and then walked out of the bathroom with the the stick in her hands and sat beside Daniel. He started the timer and she turned it upside down.

"No matter what happens, it's going to be okay," he whispered kissing her head.
"I'm so scared."
"Me too, but we have to think positive."
"Positive," she whispered.

Moments later the timer beeped and Emily looked at the face down test.

"I can't look at it," she said wiping away a tear.
"I'll get it. On the count of three I'll turn it over. No matter what happens we will always be here for each other, united."
"United," she repeated.

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