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"Em. Em wake up," Daniel said shaking her lightly.
"What is it?" She replied sleepily.
"Ems..." He said not really knowing what to say. "You're bleeding."
"No no no," she pleaded sitting up and turning on the bedside light then pulling back the blankets to reveal the blood covering her legs and the mattress. "No," she sobbed burying her head in her hands.
"Shhhh," Daniel whispered wrapping his arms around her. "Shhhh."
She just sobbed and sobbed into her hands. She knew she'd lost the baby.
"Why. Why?"
"Shhhh, it's going to be okay." He tried to soothe her but he knew nothing he said would help with the pain she would feel from loosing another baby.
"I thought this one would be it. The doctors said it was the strongest one we'd had so far."
"I know beautiful. I know it's hard. Let's get you cleaned up." He let go of her and walked into the bathroom running a bath. Then he came back in and helped her up from the bed. He pulled off her bloody clothes and helped her into the shower to wash away the blood before getting in the bath. Once she was settled he kissed her head. "I'm just going to change the bed sheets. And then I'll get you dressed and we can go to the hospital."
"What's the hospital going to do? I've already lost the baby."
"They need to make sure you're okay."
"Can't we go in the morning. Please daniel," she pleaded.
"Okay," he sighed. "We will go in the morning."
Daniel walked back into the bedroom and changed the sheets on the bed before dumping the dirty ones in the washing machine. He went back upstairs and into the bathroom.
"Ready to get out beautiful?" He asked bending down beside her.
She nodded tiredly and sadly. She stood up and Daniel wrapped a towel around her and helped her step out. He dried her down and put clean clothes back on before she laid down in the bed.
"Are you hurting anywhere?" He asked climbing in beside her.
"Not physically, just mentally," she replied with her eyes closed.
"Sleep well beautiful. It will be better in the morning."

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