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Daniel ran through the building and straight to the reception.
"My wife? Emily Grayson. Where is she?"
"Room 14," the nurse replied.
Daniel continued and took off down the corridor until he found the room he was looking for.
"Em," he said opening the door.
"Daniel," she replied weakly.
"What happened?" He asked sitting on the bed beside her.
"I was just there and all of a sudden everything went blurry. The next thing I realise I'm here with Charlotte."
"What are the doctors saying?"
"Oh Daniel," she mumbled getting teary and burying her head in his top.
"It's not looking good Daniel. They don't think the baby's going to make it. They're still running tests," Charlotte said quietly with Meg in her arms.
There was a knock at the door and a doctor walked in.
"Mr and Mrs Grayson," the doctor said standing at the end of the bed.
"How's the baby?" Emily asked looking up slightly.
The doctor sighed.
"I'm so sorry......"

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