Chapter 1

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The ground pulled to a violent sharp stop. I fell back to the ground with the force. Pain throbbed in my back and I fought back tears. I closed my eyes, hoping that it was just a bad dream. A bright light seeped through my closed eyes making me squint at the sudden change of light. Faces looked down at me. All different sizes, shapes, races and ages, but they all looked between 15 and 20. And to my surprise were all boys.

"She's not bad" I heard someone say.

"I call first dibs," another said.

"Shut the shucking hell up slintheads, or its the slammer for all of you!" a tall dirty blond haired boy shouted. The figure jumped down to where I lay helplessly on the ground. I wanted to move but every part of my body was frozen like a stone.

The boy reached for my hand and I pulled away, frightened.

"Hey, its ok" the boy comforted.

"Where am I? Who are you? Why can't I remember anything?" I sobbed. Tears started to fill my eyes and trickle down my face.

"My name's Newt. I... We don't want to hurt you Greenie, come on." He reached his hand toward me again and I took it.

When I got up and stood next to him I realised just how tall he was. He helped me out of the crate I came up in. I looked around the place I had now entered and tears started to trickle down my face again. I dropped to the ground with a thud and raised my hands to my face. I started crying like a nervous wreck. Nothing made any sense. A soft hand lay on my back. I looked up. Newt. He sat next to me.

"Its gonna be ok Gre..."

I turned and hugged him. My tears dropping onto his shoulders. He stopped for a second before hugging me back.

"Oooooooh... Newt's already crushing on the Newbie" someone teased. The rest of the boys chimed in.

I moved away from Newt keeping my gaze to the ground. I could feel my face burn.

"Shut your mouths, slintheads" a tall dark skinned boy stood in front of the crowd.

"Hi there, my names Alby" he reached his hand out and helped me get to my feet. "Don't mind the others, we've just never seen a girl come up in the box before."

I nodded. My mouth wouldn't open.

"All you shucks get back to work!"

Reluctantly, the boys gave up and slowly the crowd disappeared. Only Alby and Newt stood in front of me.

"Newt, I've got to go help Gally with the delivery, can you do a tour for the Greenie?" Alby said before nodding at us and making his way to the crate, or what Alby had called it, 'the Box'.

"Greenie," Newt said, "Welcome to the Glade."

I simply nodded. What was a Glade?

"Come on, I'll give you a tour" he started walking towards a small forest and I followed cautiously. "We only have 3 rules here, I nodded, Number one, never harm another Glader, we are like a family, we have to have trust. Number two, do your part, everyone has their job, which you will get too, soon enough. And the most important rule of all. Never go outside these walls."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"There are many reasons why you can't go into the Maze, but none of that matters, just promise me you won't leave" Newt replied.

Maze! A Maze?

"Okay. So what are the jobs around here?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Newt pointed to a small wooden barn and shed at the corner of one wall "Over there is the barn, where the Slicers work, they pretty much just slice up the stock for food, nasty job. Winston's the Keeper of them."


"Yeah, the leader of the group," Newt said, "Then there are the Sloppers ; the cleaners, usually the ones who fail everything else. Then the Builders, they can do a lot with their hands but there's not a lot goin' on upstairs. And the Med Jacks, the Track Hoes, the Cooks, the Bricknicks, the Baggers and the Runners. You try out all of em' till one of em' clicks."

"What are you?" I blurted.

"Runner" He smiled.

** A/N: Before ya'll come at me, yes he is a Runner. This is before he injured his leg. **

"What do you do?"

"Every night those openings in the walls close, to keep out what looms outside. But every morning they re-open. In exactly the same routine every day. Some other Runners and I run out each day to map out the Maze. To find a way out." He sighed.

"But who put us here?"

"That, we don't know. See just like you none of us can remember anything except our names. It's the only thing they let us keep."

"They? Who's They?"

"Once again, we don't know. But we know they're out there, The Creators. We believe they watch us through what we call Beetle Blades, they]re too fast to catch though, so we don't really know." He explained, "but that's enough for today Greenie, we better head back to the Homestead, were having a Bonfire to celebrate another month in the Glade, and you're the guest of honour."

"Hold on... I interrupted, A month? How long have you guys been here for?"

"Depends, Some have been here for a month or two but some of us have been here for years. I've been here for a year and a half now.' Newt muttered, "but we're going to find a way out, we will."

Newt got up off the soft green grass and I got up too. I suddenly realised how dark it had gotten. I yawned. A large crack of noise shattered through my ears. I looked towards one of the opening's as it screeched shut. My heart raced. Something tapped my back and I turned around in shock realising it was just Newt. I followed him to the Homestead where all the boys surrounded a large bonfire. A Cook named Frypan handed everyone a plate of roast pork and we all took seats around the fire. Newt took me around to meet all of the boys before we walked over to one side of the fire where a large tree stood, and we sat and ate. After the roast, I felt so full that my eyelids started to close. I tried my hardest to stay awake, but I eventually gave up. I rested my head on Newts soft shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

A tall woman in a white suit stands before me.

(Y/N), you have to understand. Wicked is good.

(Y/N) (Y/N) My name is (Y/N)!

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