Chapter 8

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(Y/N), a familiar voice called my name, I gasped for air. My entire body was covered in sweat. Newt stood by my side with a worried, tired look plastered across his face. I looked around. How are you?

"Fine" I smiled

"(Y/N)!" Minho rushed into the small Med Room. He practically jumped onto me, causing me to wheeze. He wrapped his arms around me, and I hugged him back. I really liked Minho, he was like the brother I never had. Or at least I think I had no brothers.

"Sorry, was I interrupting something?" Minho smirked mischievously at Newt.

"Oh shuck up Minho!" Newt replied.

"Fine, fine, I'll leave you two to it" Minho shrugged.

"See ya Minho" I waved to him before he got up from where he sat next to me on the bed and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Newt looked at me.

"So..." he started, I interrupted him by pushing my lips against his. He returned the favour. I moved away. "(Y/N), I love you." He smiled.

"Newt, I love you too."

"Guess that night wasn't that great for your body hey?" Newt slid his hands through his hair.

"It felt good though," I grinned.

"Jeff says no more for a while," he pulled puppy dog eyes at me. I grinned.

Later I was out of the Med shack and returned to my normal day. Alby let me have a job with Frypan in the kitchen, but I only needed to work at breakfast, lunch and dinner so I had the rest of the day off to do whatever I pleased. Newt was out with Minho in the maze though so I had nothing to do.

I stood in my bathroom. Examining my scars. Heaps of red marks where all over my body. But a large purple one stood out on my neck. I smiled. Someone knocked on my door. I walked over just wearing shorts and a sports bra. I opened the door.

"Hey, Alby" I smiled.

"Hey. I just came to talk about those." He pointed towards the red lines on my wrists.

"Come in."

He stood inside the door closing it behind him.

"I just wanted to apologise. For kissing you. I don't know what came over me. It was like my brain was being controlled. But I don't want to make any excuses. Its my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me. I did that," he looked at the cuts, " you, I can never forgive myself for that."

I hugged him.

"I forgive you Alby."

I let go of him and his smile was not mistakable it was real. I finally started to feel better.

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