Chapter 4

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I walked out into the open space in front of the new building, waiting for Newt. Alby walked towards me.

"Hey (Y/N), I wanted to have a chat with you about what job you wanna do."

Newt walked out of the building and stood beside me.

"Yeah, sure."

I turned to Newt, "Alby wants to discuss what job I want to do, I'll catch up with you later?"

"Okay," Newt smiled,

"Aight let's go," Alby turned towards the meeting shack and gestured for me to follow.

Once there, I took a seat ad he sat opposite me.

"Anything you're interested in so far?" He asked.

"I don't think Track Hoe is for me."

"Yeah, Frypan told me you helped him in the kitchen the other day..."

I gulped. I'm in trouble.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help. It's not Frypans fault, it's mi..."

"Woah, woah. I'm not telling you off, he was telling me how great you were and that he could use the help. I think that would be good for you. If you want to of course."

"Yes I'd like that," I sighed with relief.

"It's settled then"

I nodded

"Any questions?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Okay then, you're free to go."

I stood up to leave.

"Hey, Al..." I started, turning back around. Alby pushed his lips onto mine, grabbing me around the waist tightly. I struggled with all my might but I couldn't break free from his grasp.

The door creaked open.

"(Y/N)? Alby?" a familiar sweet voice called.

"I'll leave you two to it then." Newt. I tried to turn to get a glance at Newt only to realise he was walking away. I slipped my hand out of Alby's tight grip and slapped him in the face. Alby stunned let go of me and moved away.

"Alby! You shucking idiot, what the hell do you think you're doing!?" I screamed, tears starting to trickle down my face.

"I..." Alby started.

I ran off after Newt, ignoring everything Alby shouted to me. Tears trickled down my cheeks and onto my T-shirt. Why had Alby done that?

"Newt! Newt!" I called. My legs ached. My head ached. My heart ached. I couldn't see him anywhere. I kept running. Completely blind to my surroundings or direction. I ran so far into Deadheads I reached the wall. I dropped to the ground with a thud. Tears streamed down my face. I pulled my knees up to my chest and started to sob. Why did this have to happen?


I looked beside me to see a broken blade of a knife. I reached for it, picking it up in my right hand. Tears kept streaming down my face like a waterfall. Without a second thought, I dragged the blade over my wrist, causing deep red coloured blood to ooze out. I squeezed my eyes in agony. I raised the blade over and over sliding it across my wrist.

Within 10 minutes I had cuts and blood all over my body. I just lost any and all chances I could've had with Newt. And it wasn't even my fault. I got up from the ground blade in hand. I gave up on crying and feeling sorry for myself, Newt was gone. I headed back to the middle of the Glade. Boys stopped and stared at me. The cuts and blood probably. None of them stopping to talk to me. I almost made it back to my room when Minho stood at the entrance.

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