Chapter 6

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I closed the door of Newt's room. He pinned me up against the wall and started to kiss up along my neck. Eventually finding my sweet spot, I gave a small moan. I traced my hands up his spine.

"Newt!" I moaned, "take your damn T-shirt off!"

He let go of my neck and helped me take off his T-shirt. He turned and pushed me onto the bed. The door swung open.

"Hey," Minho started, "Holy shuck, I am so sorry. I'll talk to you later."

"Minho wait!" I shouted.

Newt groaned.

"Just when I was enjoying myself," Newt rolled his eyes.

Minho walked in.

"Hey," he smiled. "Sorry guys didn't mean to interrupt anything."

"All good Minho," I smiled back.

"Pervert!" Newt shouted.

Minho and I cracked up.

"So whotcha want?" I asked.

"Just came to check on you guys. Especially you. Had a pretty good crack at Alby in the kitchen huh."

Newt glanced at me.

I shrugged.

He gave me a look as though I was to tell him all about it later.

"So you guys are all good I'm guessing"

Newt shot me a glance and I nodded.

"Yeah" Newt replied for the both of us.

"About time! Minho sighed, I was sick of both of you telling me how much you liked each other."

"You told Minho I liked you?!" Newt and I said in unison.

"Whoops" Minho smirked.

I pulled Minho into a hug, before moving to Newt and kissing him. He traced my lips with his tongue, awaiting approval. I gave in and his tongue reached the roof of my mouth.

"Yikes, guys. I'm still here. Get a room," Minho pulled a disgusted face.

Newt let go.

"Well if you hadn't interrupted us before we wouldn't need to get a room" Newt smirked.

"You guys are making me feel lonely. I wish there were more girlies in here."

"Hahaha, you can always be gay Minho!" Newt chuckled.

** A/N: before the infinity stones attack me, I have nothing against the LGBTQ community, so calm down **

"Shuck off!"

We cracked up.

"I'm bored. Let's call the others over. Up for a game of Truth or Dare?" Minho gave his usual mischievous look.

"You're on" I cheered.

Everyone gathered in Newt's bedroom ; Minho, Frypan, Jeff, Winston, Gally, and I. Newt was out talking to Alby. I prayed that it would go well.

"Newt still isn't back" Gally groaned.

"Let's just start without him then" Jeff said.

"Hey, guys." Newt walked in, "room for one more in here?"

Alby stood behind Newt.

The room was silent.

"Okay," I answered putting on my best smile.

The others looked at me in shock.

"Thanks," Alby sat beside Jeff.

Newt came and sat beside me. I rested my head in his warm shoulder.

"Ladies first," Minho smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Gally, truth or dare?"

"Truth" he answered.

"Are you gay?" I said as a joke.

** A/N: Once again, don't come at me skittles, calm down, no need to cry about it. **

He seemed to not take it as a joke and lowered his head.

"Yes" he whispered.

The room fell silent.

"Gally?" Minho said breaking the awkward silence, "are you ok?"

Minho was such a sweetheart.

"Yeah. It's just... It's true, I'm gay. I like someone in the Glade," Gally announced.

** A/N: We all knew it was coming :) **

I moved forward into the centre of the circle. I hugged Gally.

"Do you guys feel uncomfortable around me now?" He said.

"Nah," Minho said.

"Neither," Jeff said.

"Who cares. You're still you, Gally" I smiled.

"Thanks, guys," his face brightened.

"Minho, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he grinned.

Gally smiled in return.

"I dare you to do 20 push-ups."

"That all!?" He grinned.

He got into position and started doing push-ups, at ten he peeled off his T-shirt throwing it to the floor.

"Yeah Minho!" I cheered him on.

He finished his last one and sat back down, not bothering to put his T-shirt back on. Shit! He had some serious abs.

"(Y/N), truth or dare?"

"Truth," I batted my eyes innocently at him.

"Ok, Would you Do It with Newt?" His face beamed with pride.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I winked.



"I dare you to re-enact a love scene with Minho" I giggled.

"Oh Minho, my sweet love"

I cracked up.

"Oh, Jeff, how I've waited for this moment!" Minho sighed.

"Give me all of you!" Jeff smirked hugging Minho.

We all cracked up, even Gally.

"Ok, my turn."



"Kiss (Y/N)," Jeff said, "Shirtless."

Newt stripped off his T-shirt. Many scars covered his chest. But all of them showed clearly what had happened. Newt had hurt himself.

"Newt..." I whispered

"Hey, hey, don't look down there, they're just my life paths." He whispered before he leaned in and kissed me with more affection than before. Once again his tongue entered. I pressed my hands on his warm chest. We kept it going, I could feel myself lose all of my fears drowning in Newt's warmth.

"Ok, ok, jeez. I said kiss, not make out!" Jeff called out.

He shifted away.

"To be continued?" He winked.

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