Chapter 10

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I waited at the gates for Newt and Minho's return. They turned a corner, running down the passage to the entrance to the maze, where I stood.

"Hi guys," I smiled.

"Hey," Minho replied.

"Hey," Newt said

"How was it today?" I asked.

"Nothing new, just same things," Minho shrugged

I looked at Newt. He was acting particularly strange this morning.

"Newt?" I asked.

"How do you know my name?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you know me? When did you come up in the box? Why are you acting like we know each other?"

"Newt?" I whispered, "we do know each other. If this is some joke it isn't funny anymore, please stop."

"I'm sorry but I really don't know you?"

Tears threatened my eyes. I moved forward and kissed him before running away. Minho yelled after me. How did Newt not remember? What had happened?

I ran towards my room, I had to get away from this. I made my way up the stairs. I was about to reach my door when someone stood there blocking the way. He turned around.

"Hey," Frypan smiled. He looked at my eyes and my smudged mascara and his expression changed. "(Y/N). What's wrong?"

"Newt he... he... he... doesn't remember me I sobbed." I fell into his chest. He hugged me.

"I'm sure its just a joke," Frypan offered.

"No, I can read his expression. He doesn't remember, I sobbed, I'm so sorry Frypan. Why were you here?"

"Just came to see if you wanted to help me start to make dinner." He said, "never mind that now."

"No, Fry. I need a distraction, can I meet you in the kitchen in 10?" I asked.

"Yep see you soon," He let go of me and waved before heading down the stairs.

I walked into my room and fell onto the bed. I looked over to my bedside table. Newts T-shirt hung there. I grabbed it and walked out to Newts room. I opened the door and Newt stood there getting changed.

"Sorry," I said.

He quickly covered himself up. Once he was dressed he came up to me.

"Why are you here?" He asked annoyed.

"Newt! Its me, (Y/N)! Your girlfriend! We made love together Newt! How could you do this to me!" I sobbed.

"Well, (Y/N). I told you once and I'll tell you again. I don't know who you are."

I wiped at my tears.

"Here, its your T-shirt," I handed him the blue T-shirt.

"Thanks," he said.

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned on my heel and walked out. Tears filled my eyes. I hate this stupid maze! I went to my room fixed my running Mascara and walked out to the kitchen.

Frypan was already busy making a soup with bread. I didn't say a word. I simply grabbed an apron and started to cut the bread evenly. Gradually the Gladers started to pour in. I handed out the bowls of soup and Frypan gave out the bread.

I finished cleaning up with Frypan and waved goodbye before I walked out and dropped into a heap. A hand touched my back. I looked up to see Minho.

"Minho!" I cried

He pulled me into a hug.

"He really doesnt remember Minho!"

"I wonder what happened, I swear to god. If it was the shucking creators..."

"Minho... I want to die," I whispered.

"No you don't," he replied softly.

"I do, I hate my life, this maze and myself."

I looked at the cuts on my arms.

"Time for you to sleep," Minho said.

"I don't want to be in there alone."

"I'll be with you."

I smiled. He picked me up onto my feet and I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked to my room. He walked me into my room. I lay on my bed. Minho lay next to me.

"Thank you, Minho," I smiled.

"You're welcome."

I snuggled up to his chest and drifted off to sleep.

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