Chapter 19

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The noise of a loud crack sounded from within the maze. I had to get moving, if there was any chance that I could get back to Newt, I would do it. Even if it was impossible. Grievers were coming, I knew it. I ran forward, making a sharp turn to the left, the sounds of screeching metal getting closer to me by the second. I moved swiftly taking a turn whichever way seemed like the right way to go.

The griever was faster than me though. It would soon catch up. I focused on the sounds behind me, they were less than 10 metres away. I had to hide. I kept running, my legs starting to ache. I looked around every corner, every wall of the maze, but I finally realised that there was nowhere to hide, I was doomed. I stopped to take a breath. The air wheezed in and out of my aching chest.

I looked back at where my shadow was following me, but the noise had disappeared. I turned back to my course. I might have outrun the Griever but I wasn't gonna take any chances. I took a left at the next corner then a right. But some noises caught my attention. It almost sounded like it was people talking. I came to an intersection. Left was another path through the maze and Right was a dead end, but there were people, talking. I took a step towards the left, I knew that I couldnt trust those people but the urge was too strong.

I walked towards the 3 people, they seemed to be talking to each other but they seemed to not notice me walking towards them.

"Hey!" I called.

They looked up, I was now 10 metres from them. I suddenly felt sick, maybe this wasn't such a good idea

They started to walk towards me and I stopped.

"Hello, (Y/N)," the woman in the white uniform said, "we've been expecting you."

How does she know my name? Who is she?

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?" I shuddered.

They ignored my questions.

"Everything's gonna change, (Y/N)." The man in a grey tux muttered.

He lifted a hand as if signalling someone behind me, and the next thing I knew, a sharp pain came from my head and I slowly blacked out

My eyes slowly opened, I squinted at the sudden change of light. I was in a white room some doctors around me. I tried to raise a hand, but it was chained down, so were my legs.

"Get Janson," I heard one of the nurse's mutter.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

"We can't do that darling," a nurse comforted.

I struggled around trying to escape. My head throbbed, it was unbearable. So many thoughts rushed throughout my brain. Or at least I thought they were thoughts, but they seemed too familiar, my memories. This was W.C.K.D. the company working to save the world from the virus that violently attacks the brain. The Flare. I remembered, everything. They had returned my memories. And Newt. I liked him even before the maze. My head swirled around in circles, this was all too much to take in. But I was snapped out my daydream when the man in the grey tux or Janson, arrived at the door.

"You called," he said.

"Yes, she's ready to return to her usual routines sir," the nurse stated.

"Fabulous!" He grinned.

The room fell silent.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Let her go!"

The nurses hurried to my side and undid the chains holding me down. I sat up almost instantly.

"Where's Newt!?" I threatened.

"Come on, we need to have a chat."

As much as I wanted to run away, I knew there was no point because theyd catch me and chain me up again, so I simply hopped off the bed and followed.

He led me down many passageways, I wondered how he remembered his way around so well, I guess I probably would too once my memories have been fully restored.

He stopped at a door and unlocked it with an small plastic card. I froze.

We havent got all day Hope. Come on. he gave me a reassuring look before I advanced forward into the room. Just as I expected. The walls were white, just like every other room in this facility, as it seemed.

The woman in the white uniform and some others sat around a round table. A memory popped into my head. The woman's name was Dr Ava Paige.

"Please," She offered, "take a seat."

I followed her command and took a seat across from her. Janson taking a seat next to her.

"(Y/N), as you have probably remembered by now, this is W.C.K.D. The World In Catastrophe Killzone Department. And I, am Dr Paige. We are all here because of a virus. The Flare"

"I know," I rudely interrupted, "Where is Newt? Where are the others? Are they still in the maze? Why did you take me out?"

Dr Paige looked towards Janson as if gesturing him to answer the questions.

"Well, The boys are all still in the maze, safe, I might add. And as for why you are here, is because you failed Hope, you werent supposed to get pregnant. And we would have left you in there if you weren't." He replied.

I looked at him in horror.

"...Oh. I almost forgot. I have something to show you." He turned on the screen behind him.

"Watch carefully, you're going to enjoy this..."

I was puzzled. I watched the screen. It was a recording from a Beetle Blade in the maze. I watched as the screen shook around. Something appeared from the bottom of the camera, a boy, Newt. He looked up at the wall the Beetle Blade was on. One with vines all over it. He started to climb. Tears started to fill my eyes. He made it to about 3 quarters of the way up and stopped. The Beetle Blade scurried along the vines and came up just inches from his face. He looked directly into the camera.

"I don't know who you people are, but I hope you get a real buggin kick out of watching us suffer, then you can all die and go to hell. This is all on you."

Then he did the unthinkable. He used his legs and kicked himself away from the wall and he just kept falling, tears streamed down m cheeks, how could they do this to him? A large thud came from the screen. I tried hard to ignore the sound. A loud agonising scream came from Newt. I shuddered.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" he screamed.

The screen went black. Tears were all over my face and t-shirt.

Dont you see (Y/N)?" Janson blurted out, "You ruined everything! Now we have to restart the whole trials. And its all your fault!"

"But what's going to happen to me then?" I stammered.

"You're the failed subject (Y/N). Now youre going to go where all the failed things go."

Two large men grabbed me by my arms and yanked me up, out of my chair.

"W.C.K.D. is good (Y/N)." Dr Paige shouted out.

I gave one last scream of misery.

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