Chapter 18

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Through Newts eyes...

"Nooooooooooo!" I shouted. The doors slammed shut with an ear piercing crack.

Minho was holding me down firmly. I pushed myself out of his tight hold. I stood at the doors. Tears threatened my eyes. I lifted my left arm. I had to go to her, she has to be alright, the doors have to open. I fisted the door. A sharp pain shot through my arm but I didn't care. I fisted the wall over and over, red liquid all over the wall, my hand, and my body.

A boy grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me back.

"Let go!" I screamed, "Let go! I have to save her!"

"Newt! Get your act together shank! There's nothing you can do!"

Of course, Minho. I turned to see tears rolling down the boys face. The first time I had ever seen the tough Asian boy even show any sympathy, let alone cry. I pushed my face into his firm shoulder and sobbed.

"How could they!" I screamed, "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

I looked around and the boys around me were crying too. Their heads either hung low or they were sobbing into their hands.

"Guys," Alby walked out in front of the helplessly crying boys, including me, "I know (Y/N) meant a lot, to all of us... But... She's... She's... not coming back..."

I looked up at him my mind filled with fury.

"No one survives a night in the maze," Gally muttered.

"I'm sorry Newt, But Gally and Alby are right. No one survives a night in the maze," Jeff sighed.

I was infuriated and my palms felt as hot as lava.

"Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up all of you!" I screamed, "What has happened to you people?! My... Our, beautiful, beautiful (Y/N) just got trapped in the maze, and what do you do?! You give up?!"

I looked back a Minho for support but, he just turned his head away from me.

"He's right guys," Frypan said, wiping at his blotchy eyes, "There's still a chance."

The other boys started to nod. I looked straight at the ground.

"You have to come back (Y/N)..." I whispered, "You have to..."

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