Chapter 17

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"Newt!" I cried out.

He looked up from the ground, he started to run but almost instantly stopped. He raised a hand to his head. He was hurt. He looked as though he was playing with blood, it was all over him.

"I'm going in there," I said.

Gally grabbed my arm

"You can't, don't break the rules."

I flung my hand from his tight grasp and ran into the Maze. I had to save Newt, I didn't care about the rules. I had to save him.

"Newt! Newt!"

He forced himself to take steps forward. I reached him.

"(Y/N)" he called weakly.

"Save your breath, come on, help me get you back to the Glade."

He stood up, He moved forward and I walked as fast as I could. The doors were closing, fast. It was like walking a tight rope, one wrong step and I could lose it all.

"We're almost there..." I said.

Newt collapsed onto the cold, hard, stone ground of the dreaded Maze.

"Newt, come on, were almost there!"

The other boys were cheering and calling us to hurry. I looked up at the doors. We would never make it.

"Newt!" I cried, "Newt, I love you!"

He looked at me. I stood up and used all of my effort to get him on his feet. I lost all hope of trying to get Newt to walk. The doors were a metre from closing. I looked at all of the boys calling us. A single, lonely tear trickled down my left cheek. I pushed Newt forward, out of the Maze. He landed in the hands of Minho. There wasn't enough room for me to get through. I just stood there. Newt looked at me.

"Goodbye..." I whispered.

"Nooooooo!" He shouted.

I heard the sounds of other boys screaming and shouting but the doors closed with a loud crack, blocking out all of the noise beyond it. Tears streamed down my face. I looked at the doors as if hoping that it would magically open up again.

"Goodbye, Newt..." I whispered, "goodbye..."

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