Chapter 5

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"Sorry, I should watch where I'm going" I kept my eyes on the ground.

I started to walk away this time with my eyes open, filled with tears. Newt gently pulled on my arm stopping me. Again?! I tried to hide my agony, but I let out a wince of pain.

I didn't dare turn to face him.

"(Y/N)." He said, "Sorry." he rolled up my sleeve. "(Y/N)..." He whispered uneasily, "What have you done?"

I turned to face him, his face suddenly paler than before.

"Look (Y/N), I have to talk to you..." He started.

"Just let me go. Please just leave me be," I cried.

"(Y/N)." He said firmly.

Tears streamed down my face. I shook uncontrollably. My head throbbed. Get a hold of yourse

He pulled me into a soft but tight hug.

It was nothing like Alby's aggressive touch. His touch was soft and caring and I didn't even realise I had stopped shaking.

He shifted away, stopping mere inches from my face.

"Are you and Alby..."

"No!" I sobbed.

"Then why did you kiss him?" He asked.

"I didn't! He kissed me!" Tears rushed to my eyes again.

"And I'm supposed to believe you?"

"Yes," A voice came from behind me.


Newt turned and glared at him.

"She's telling the truth. I kissed her, and she couldn't break out," Alby confessed.

"Why would you do that Alby!?" Newt shouted.

Other boys from the kitchen started to gather around.

"I don't know. I didn't know what it felt like to kiss a girl or to have someone. I don't know what came over me, I just did it. And the second she ran after you I regretted it.

"Leave," Newt whispered.

"What?" Alby said stunned at the change of Newt's usually reserved nature.

"LEAVE! Get the shucking hell away from (Y/N)!" Newt growled.

Alby walked off without another word.


He turned to me pushing his soft lips on mine. My stomach fluttered like a million butterflies. I let go to take a breath.

I went for another kiss but he backed away.

"Not here," he said.

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