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"Wait, y-you threw the ball and it landed on his-"

"Yes, Lilliana, yes." He shook his head in embarrassment.

Lilliana's laughter filled the hotel room, she could probably wake up the whole city with it. Blake started laughing lightly from hers. Her laugh and smile were contagious.

"I'm sorry, oh my god," She wiped tears from her eyes, "That's so funny! You're so stupid." She laughed.

"Dude it was like infected after." Blake said in embarrassment.

"That's so embarrassing!" She laughed even harder.

The both of them were sitting on the bed, eating pizza and watching a Clippers game from last season. Lilliana smiled watching the team work well together, especially the way Blake played.

"You don't have to check me out through the screen, I'm right here baby." He smirked.

"Oh god, in your dreams."

"I don't think that make-out session was a dream if I do say so myself."

Lilliana stood up and walked over to the bathroom to see her cheeks project a light red. She then walked back out to see Blake take off his shirt and put a new one on, considering the last one he played one on one in. Lilliana stood there at the door, leaning against the frame, eyeing him down. His toned body was so sexy and the way he looked down as he picked up a new shirt for some reason kept Lilliana's eyes glued on him.

By the time Lilliana zoned out, the sound of keys being picked up off a counter shook her back to reality. Blake put on a hoodie and walked towards the door.

"Let's go Lilliana." He said.

"To where?"

"Do you not trust me?" He asked.

"I mean I did meet you yesterday and it's like 10 p.m.?" She said.

"You'll see where once you come with me." He said.

Lilliana just walked up to him and staying near as they exited their room. A group of girls by the elevator had turned their heads however Blake just pulled Lilliana closer and walked in the other direction. He seemed determined to get to where he wanted to be.

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