t h i r t y s i x

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Blake looked at Lilliana once she was finally calm and her eyes were dry, yet still red from all her crying. He moved back her hair, pulling out a velvet box from his back pocket.

Lilliana adjusted her posture a little bit, sitting more straight up.

"Blake what are you doing?"

"Just hear me out, please," he said, smiling, "Before I met you, I never knew the amazing feeling of true love. Someone real, something real. I never knew the importance of honesty and friendship in a relationship and I never noticed half the things I learned from you, until I met you. Like the way you breathe lightly in your sleep, causing your eyes to flutter even when they're shut. Or the way your body rocks my big t-shirts. Even the way you laugh, I can tell when you're laughter is about to kill you from how hard you've been laughing or when it's just a little giggle when I make you blush. I never noticed how beautiful someone's eyes are in the sun and moonlight, nor did I notice how good it felt to be loved back by someone you truly care for,"

At this point, Lilliana was in tears, happy tears for the first time today.

"You're my best friend, the most beautiful girl in the world, a kick ass basketball player may I add, and most importantly, the love of my life. I know you're young, and I know you need to focus on yourself too. But I also know I love you so much, and I know you feel the same way. So here I am, sitting face to face with you in a motel that kind of smells like fish," He said, making the two of them laugh through the both of their tears, " Here I am, holding this ring as a promise, a promise to love you, to protect you, to always be there for you, even if I'm not physically there. Because Lilliana, I want you so bad. And I only want you."

Lilliana's tears were rolling down her face faster and faster. Her heart was going to explode with an overwhelming amount of love.

She grabbed Blake's face, kissing him. She pulled away allowing Blake to slip the ring on her right finger instead of the left. She held her hand up, admiring the beautiful diamond.

"I love you so much, Blake." She said, kissing him once more.

Blake smiled as his face came crashing onto hers. He was so in love with her and was so excited for the next chapter of their lives.

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