t w e n t y s i x

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Lilliana sighed, she could almost hear her heart breaking. She sat there, thinking about how selfish this was but she couldn't turn back now. She cared so much about Blake; she wanted to be with Blake. Their schedules held her back, her past was holding her back. She wanted to make things work, but how could they possibly work when she was going to be a full time student and Blake was going back to being a full time NBA player?

Lilliana looked down at her hands, fidgeting with her rings. She took a deep breath, then exhaling while she wiped away a few tears.

Who would have thought this would be the outcome? Lilliana falling in love and Blake possibly as well.

She looked outside the window, seeing the large left wing of the aircraft. Her flight would take off any moment now from Detroit, Michigan to Los Angeles, California.

Her heart raced and her palms were sweating. Her life was so content for the longest time and it seems as though her life was now crashing down just when it was getting even better.

Lilliana was on her way to see her father; her birth father. She couldn't let Blake be worried about her, he had a game to focus on. Yet, she knew deep down she should have just stayed. She should have stayed in Michigan, at home waiting for his game. But she didn't. Instead, she was visiting the man who gave her up. The man who made her feel like she wasn't worth it. But here she was, on a flight to see him. To see her father.

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