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Blake and Lilliana arrived at Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, where the Pistons play their home games. There are 4 days until the season starts and Blake Griffin was spending his time with her.

Blake parked his car far and hidden from the public and opened Lilliana's door to allow access to the outside. While Lilliana got out and brushed out her leggings, Blake caught a good glimpse of her. He definitely loved her body and the way she carried herself. Lilliana must've noticed his eyes on her because she turned around and made a snarky comment.

"Keep your eyes where I can see em, Griffin."

"Trust me, I'm trying." He said, biting his lip.

Lilliana pulled out her phone, informing her parents that she had landed safely and was home. The response from them was not was she was expecting. Her parents sent her a link of an article reading 'Former LA Clipper All-Star Snuggled Up With Mystery Girl.' However, it wasn't a picture of the two holding hands from when exiting the airport, it was on the actual aircraft where Lilliana had fallen asleep on Blake; someone must have snapped a picture without the two's recognition.

Lilliana's parents laughed and commented on how cute they looked, however Lilliana was not having it.

"Seriously? Do you see this shit, articles and pictures of us on the plane and after?"

"That should be a dream come true for you." He snickered.

"Well, it's not." She commented.

"Cmon, it's just media. Half of it isn't even true," He replied, "Plus, I'm about to beat your ass in this game for not having some fun on the plane."

"Get over yourself." She laughed.

The two entered through the Piston's locker room. Lilliana, in awe, looked at their little cubbies with their numbers on them.

"Anddd there's me, number 23." He smirked.

Lilliana laughed, coming closer to him because the place spooked her; there were barely any lights on.
Blake noticed and started teasing her, however, deep down he enjoyed the feeling of someone latching onto him without the constant want for sex, even though he was in need of some.

As the two walked into the court, the lights turned on and the shiny court glistened as the light hit the floor. The large Detroit Pistons basketball symbol stood there, plastered in the middle of the court.

Blake threw a ball down the court, bouncing it in Lilliana's direction. She used her two hands to grip the ball and start dribbling. The two played a good game of one on one, dribbling the ball and running down the court up and down. Blake's ball control and the way he played definitely reached NBA standards, and his height definitely gave him an advantage. However, Lilliana was very good, almost too good, he thought. In the end, Blake won by only 6 points.

"Holy shit, you're good Lill." He said, bending over while breathing heavily.

"You're not too bad yourself." She winked.

The two stood there, while Blake eyed her up and down. Then, a loud voice questioning who was in the building went through their ears. Lilliana looked at Blake in panic, they were definitely not supposed to be there. Blake whispered 'run' and the two darted towards the exit.

Opening the door leading to the outside, the cool late September air breezed through their clothes and danced onto their skin. The two laughed while sighing in relief. That was a close one.

"So, where to next baby?"

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