t h i r t y f o u r

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Lilliana stepped into the prison, nervously. She shook off her previous thoughts and stood tall. Many people looked at her, knowing she wasn't from here.

She walked in, checking in her name and signing off some papers. Then, a cop went over the rules with not only her but many other people in the room waiting to see their loved ones, friends, family, etc. She realized in that moment, she wasn't alone. Other people were hurt by the people inside this prison, just as much as she was. Though that made her feel worse, because she never wanted anyone to feel her pain, it also assured her to be brave and to be her own savior.

She stepped in, looking at the beige, concrete, round tables that resembled the lunch tables outside of school. The buzz and sound of the wall rattling shook her. The cold air inside didn't help either.

Many inmates looked at her with harsh expressions. They looked absolutely miserable.

Then in that moment, a man with cuffs in front of him walked her way with a guard.

The resemblance he shared with Lilliana frightened her. She was shorter than him by alot, however his hair color, his eyes, nose, and mouth resembled hers so well. She looked identical to him.

She took a deep breath and sat down, looking at him in disbelief. He had tears in his eyes.

"Lilliana." He said, softly.

"John." She said, harshly.

"You got my letter?" He asked.

Lilliana nodded, pulling the envelope out of her purse. She looked at it once more and slid it across the table to him.

"22 years, John. For 22 years, you and mom made me feel useless. You made me feel like a burden on my real family. My real family, the neighbors who took me in and decided to love me because God forbid you and Anna do such a thing. Do you know what it feels like knowing that two people didn't want me? You two left me on a damn doorstep! I would've felt better about the situation, no, not even the situation, about myself if you had just given me up for adoption. But on a damn doorstep? Seriously? And now this? These perpetual letters asking me to forgive you two when I didn't even know you were in prison! I had to google you and your charges! Let alone, Anna. I don't even know where she is! And now you ask for money to bail you out? Money? Is that what you think of me and my family? That we're just made of money? Well let me tell you something, John, this doesn't work that way. You will get nothing from me, because I never got love and acceptance from you. I understand you did me a favor because at the rate you and mom were going, I'd probably end up in here with you. But no, I graduated with honors in high school, obtained a bachelor's degree from a university, and hopefully going into law. With my real family's help. Not yours, not Anna's. You two never reached out to me until you needed money. And I'm sitting her, with all the courage and strength I have, to tell you, go to hell."

She stood up in tears, shaking. She nodded to the guard to assure her to release her from the horrid room. She didn't want anything to do with John or Anna, she was humiliated by them.

She knew she had to do this in person though, not through a letter. No words could express her anger through a letter, she needed to show him the pain the two of them really caused.

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