t w e n t y t h r e e

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The next morning came way too fast, upsetting a sleepy Blake. He groaned shutting off his alarm. 7 a.m. sharp. He laid there, head resting on his silky, dark blue pillows, looking up at the ceiling. He turned over, seeing a sleeping beauty before him; Lilliana.

The way her mouth pouted perfectly, her soft breathing, and her long, beautiful hair that rested on her shoulders perfectly, even in her sleep, captivated Blake every single time. He didn't want to go prepare for basketball, he just wanted to be home, with her. Before getting out of the warm, comfy bed, he put his hand over Lilliana's waist, shifting his weight, and kissed her cheek.

He then proceeded to get up and walk to the bathroom inside his room. The warm water of the shower hitting his body relaxed him, preparing for the big night ahead of him and his team. These past few days of break he got to focus on something other than basketball; he got to focus on someone besides himself as well.

Stepping out of the shower and placing a white towel around his waist, he walked out of the bathroom to see Lilliana sitting on her phone. He smiled going to plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning." He said.

"You can say that again." She winked.

He laughed walking himself to his closet, picking out clother for the gym and getting his large duffle bag out to pack his jerseys and warm ups. Lilliana sighed, knowing today would be hard. Who would have thought Lilliana would fall so hard for the biggest jerk at the time, who actually turned out to be the most sweetest man ever.

Blake noticed her saddened expression, even when she was looking at her phone. He sat right next to her, wrapping his muscular arms around her.

"We can make this work." He said, kissing her shoulder.

"Can we, Blake?" She said, looking at him hurt.

"I can, I don't know why you seem so off when I asked you that. I thought you wanted to be with me?" Blake said defensively.

"Blake, that's not what I meant."

"Forget I ever said that." He said, standing up.

"Blake, please," She said standing up, "You know I care about you so much, even in a matter of four days I've grown to always want you and to be with you. But you know we have to be realistic. Me studying to get into law and you, for God sakes you're an NBA player and no one should be holding you back from living your best life and giving out your best potential." She said, holding back tears that stung her eyes.

Blake stood there, eyebrows furrowing.

"Where is this coming from?" He whispered.

Lilliana started to talk but Blake just walked out the bedroom door and went downstairs. He was so confused as to why she was all of a sudden acting like the past few amazing days didn't happen, and that hurt Blake because for once in his life, he felt a strong connection with a girl and felt as though they could last dispite his status or hers for that matter. He felt this with Lilliana. But, did she?

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