t h i r t e e n

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About an hour later, Blake took phone calls in the bathroom that became loud enough for Lilliana to hear. On the other end of the line she could hear a male's voice yelling at Blake for quote 'always sleeping with new women' and 'right before the season started.'

"Dude, you know that media shit isn't real, they always make stuff up!" He yelled.

"I understand that Blake, but I know you, and I know a pretty girl when I see one. You and pretty girls, don't mix."

Blake huffed and puffed, then ended the call with 'I'll see you tomorrow.' Then reality hit.

Lilliana only had two more days with Blake. She couldn't believe the past few days had flown by so fast. She replayed everything in her head, feeling like it was all just a dream.

Blake walked into the room, clearly angry, and walked to the bed, placing himself on it. He laid against the pillows and scrolled through his phone, upset.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I don't care, it's fine." He said, rolling his eyes.

Lilliana knew he wasn't okay, and for the first time in a while, he was annoyed with the media. He wanted to have a decent reputation when it came to girls and not constant lies about new rebounds or new girls he's taking home. He liked Lilliana alot, and that showed.

Lilliana wrapped her arms around him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. She could feel Blake's heart beat race, more than usual. Blake turned his body towards her, still in her embrace, letting his lips gently place onto hers. Their lips moved in sync, and this time it wasn't a heated kiss, it was a soft, passionate one. It was one the both of them wanted for a while from each other.

"You're going to be the death of me, Lilliana." He breathed out.

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