Part Two Memories

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Namjoon's POV

'Joon, why can't you tell us where you're going?' Jin yelled at me for the hundredth time.
Jungkook rolled his eyes. 'Jin, if he doesn't want to tell you then he doesn't have to.'
'But he's keeping secrets!'
Hoseok stood up from his spot on the sofa. 'Guy's that's enough! We don't need to know each other's private affairs. Maybe he has a date, and he doesn't want us to know. Because we'd tease him.'
I stared at my friends. They really did know how to make every little thing dramatic.
Thankfully Jin was quiet for a moment. But it was not long before he soon went back into nagging mode.
'If you have a date, why not just say that?'
'Jin I just told you-'
Jin cut Hoseok words. 'I just don't want anyone to be keeping secrets again! It always ends in us getting hurt or someone leaving!' He stomped into his bedroom and slammed the door.
Wow, that really was dramatic. I stood at the front door. I could feel the others watching me. I cleared my throat.
'Its nothing...just meeting a friend...from work.'
Hoseok smiled at me. 'Be safe, Joonie.'
God, I wish I could tell him.
'Use protection.' Yoongi piped up.
'It's not a date!'
Jungkook laughed. 'Yeah just don't let her get you drunk okay. Be good.'
I sighed and left the house, leaving them laughing at Jungkook's stupid joke.

Finally, I reached the train station just a few minutes late. I feel so bad for not telling the others about this. But it's not my call to make. Hopefully, it won't be too long before I can tell them. My phone vibrated in my pocket. A new message-

Look behind you.

I smiled and turned. I flung my arms around him.
'Jimin! It's been so long. You look exactly the same. Still no taller.' I laughed, and he punched my arm lightly.
'You haven't changed either. How are you?'
'I'm good man. What about you?'
'I'm good.' Jimin pulled a girl forward, holding her hand.' 'We're good.'
'Hi.' She said shyly.
'Sophie! Jimin's told me a lot about you. It's good to meet you finally.'
'And you. I've been begging Jimin to introduce me to his friends for so long.'
'Oh,' I shot a puzzled look to Jimin. 'All of us?'
'They don't know I'm here yet.' Jimin said quietly. Running a hand through his hair. 'I thought I could surprise them. But I want to catch up with you first.'
I nodded. 'Right, well come on. We should go for a drink and catch up.'


Hoseok's POV

'Hey, Rose.' I called my colleague as I put the last few books on a shelf. 'I'm going for my break now.'
Rose looked over to me from the cashier station. 'Okay, Hobi.'
I quickly headed to the staff room and opened my locker. Glancing at the few photographs, I have stuck up on the inside. A picture of Taehyung and me, of course. A group picture with my friends and me and then the picture of me with Jimin. I really should take that one down  I just can't bring myself to do it. It seemed evil to remove Jimin. I don't want to forget him or pretend that we never had a relationship. I grabbed my jacket and slammed the locker door shut and headed out of the shop. Just as I had stepped outside a pair of hands flew over my eyes.
I yelped. 'Taehyung! I wish you wouldn't do that.'
Taehyung giggled at me. 'I get you every time Hobi. Why are you always so jumpy?'
'I'm not!' It's what living with you does to me.' I pretended to be annoyed.
Taehyung kissed my cheek. I'm sorry I just like to keep you on your toes.'
'No, you just like to scare me!' I pouted at him.
'Aw, baby I'm just playing.'
I smiled. 'I know.'
'Can I take you for a drink?'
'Isn't it a bit too early?'
'No. We're adults now. It's what we do.'
'Well, I'm an adult at least.' I giggled, and Taehyung pretended to cry.
'Ah, Hoseok! Your words wound me so!'
'Shut up. If you're a good boy, I might even buy you an orange juice.'

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