Part Eighteen Feelings

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Jungkook's POV

We waited on the dirt road for Namjoon and Jimin. We were all too exhausted to keep walking and though Hoseok is very light he had started to feel heavy to my aching muscles.
It was now late in the afternoon. Finally, we saw a car pull up in front of us. We were so happy to see Namjoon and Jimin along with a man who I guess is the park ranger. He helped us all into the car then drove us to his cabin.
Once inside the warm cabin, the ranger redressed Hoseok's wound. He gave us food and water and told us we could spend the night here.
I was so relieved. Camping is fun and all but getting lost and hunting for missing friends isn't that great.
'I called our parents.' Namjoon said. 'They will collect us in the morning.'
'What?' Yoongi groaned. 'You called mine too?'
'I had to Suga. I'm sorry but we've been away longer than we had planned.'
Yoongi sighed. 'I'm gonna sleep.'
Jin stood and followed Yoongi. 'Yeah me too.'
Namjoon nodded. ' Yeah, we should all get some sleep. And Hoseok you definitely need plenty of rest.'
Taehyung got up and helped Namjoon get Hoseok to his feet and they guided him to the spare room. The ranger had placed many blankets and cushions on the floor for them all.
Jimin stretched. 'Kookie, you coming?'
I shook my head. 'Nah, I'll follow in a bit. I want another drink first.'
'Alright.' Jimin kissed Sophie. 'How about you babe?'
'Soon.' She smiled. 'I haven't finished my drink yet.'
'Okay, goodnight.'
We both told him goodnight and watched him leave the room. The ranger excused himself and he too went to bed.
I bit my lip. I glanced at Sophie a few times. Now we were alone. Sat together on the sofa.
Finally, I spoke. 'I was really worried about you.'
She looked surprised. 'You were?'
'Yes. You don't understand how I felt about you. How I still feel.'
Sophie shifted closer to me. 'Jungkook I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't want to stop talking to you. But, I had-'
'Jimin. I know.' I smiled sadly. 'He's a great guy right?'
'Yes, he is. But. So are you.'
I stared at her. I should have ignored her. But she is so close to me right now. And I really don't want her to leave. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer. I could feel her breath on my face. So close. Her lips brushed mine gently then we kissed.
'What the fuck?' Jimin said.
We quickly broke apart and leapt up from the sofa.
'Jimin!' I gasped. 'It's not like that.'
'Don't!' He glared at me. 'Just don't kook. I know what I just saw. How could you?'
Sophie tried to take Jimin's hand. 'Jimin please!'
'No!' He pushed her away. ' You stay the hell away from me!'
I grabbed Jimin's shoulders. 'Jimin it was a mistake. I'm sorry, it was my fault!'
I felt Jimin tense up. He turned away from me, shrugging my hands away. Then he swung his fist towards me. I didn't have time to dodge it. I felt his fist smack against my nose and I lost my footing, I fell to the floor.
My nose bled, I could see it dripping onto my shirt.
Jimin scowled at me and stormed away to the bedroom. Sophie ran to my side.
'Jungkook! Are you okay?'
'Getaway!' I hissed. 'Leave me alone! You caused this!'
Tears fell down her face. I felt like a complete arsehole. I got to my feet, headed to the bathroom and cleaned my nose.
How the hell am I going to sort this mess? Jimin is more important to me than some girl. I have to get him back on side. I have to forget about Sophie. Forget how I feel.

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