Part Thirteen The Girls

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Jungkook's POV

Well, trudging through mud and trees as the sun sets is definitely not a fun experience. Unlike Sophie, I don't care that my trainers are covered in mud. But I do care that I'm bloody tired of walking.
Taehyung has decided to carry Hoseok on his back. Jin keeps glaring at Namjoon every once in a while. Yoongi looks pissed off. Can't tell how he is really feeling since he usually has that expression. I stepped up beside him.
'Suga, you okay?'
Wow, superb conversationalist!
'Do you think we will find the cabin soon?'
'What, why?'
'Dunno. Just thinking of our track record of bad luck and shit. We haven't had a whole lot of good luck really.'
'I guess.' I bit my lip. I should really find out if he knows about me and Sophie.
'Yes.' Yoongi whispered. 'I know about it.'
'You do?'
'Mmhmm. And I think you've handled it as best you could have. But to save us from all fighting while we are out here lost, we should keep it from the others.'
'Right.' I nodded.


Hoseok's POV

'Tae' I whispered into his ear as he carried me on his back. 'It's getting darker.'
'Its okay Hobi. We can pitch our tents up here if you want to.'
'No.' I sighed. I was sick of acting like such a baby lately. I'm twenty-three, I shouldn't be like this. No one else is scared and, as Jin said we do have torches. So we won't be in complete darkness. I have to be strong.
'I can walk now Tae. I'm okay.'
'You sure?'
'Yes.' I said as I slid off his back reluctantly.
The others either don't realise how bad this situation is or  They Are pretending it's alright. But we are no longer on a tourist track, so any chances of us coming across other people are very slim. And if I have to hear Sophie complain about her dirty shoes again I swear I might just slap her.
As if she could sense me scowling at her, she trotted over to me.
'Hey, Hoseok. We haven't really had much chance to talk.'
'And you picked now as the perfect time to talk?'
'Why not? It's not like we are too busy right?'
'Point taken.'
'I wanted to thank you for letting us stay at your parent's house.'
'That's fine. It was my mum's decision. I didn't even know about it.'
'Well, even so, thank you.'
'Hoseok,' she cleared her throat leaning in closer to me. 'I really need to pee.'
'Erm okay.' I said. Where was she going with this?
'Could you come with me?'
'Why me? Why not Jimin?'
Sophie's cheeks turned pink. 'I..well. He hasn't seen me yet.'
'We haven't slept together in had sex.'
'And I know you won't look because you're gay right? So you're basically like one of the girls.'
I looked at Taehyung and raised my eyebrows. Is this bitch serious?
Taehyung giggled and winked at me. 'I'll leave you, girls, to it. Just don't take too long okay?'
'Wow thanks, babe.' I said sarcastically giving Taehyung a glare. He Just smirked and carried on walking slowly so that we will be able to catch up.
'Thanks, Hoseok.' Sophie disappeared into the trees and I quickly followed.
I hope she doesn't mind me staying close to her. Right now I can put up with being alone with her since the darkness is setting in fast.
I turned my back to Sophie while she peed. Looking in the corner of my eye to make sure she is still there.
I froze. There was a low growl in the trees ahead of me.
'What was that?' I gasped.
'What?' Sophie asked as she pulled up her pants.
'I heard something. Like a growl.'
Sophie grabbed my hand. 'Hoseok I'm scared. What if it's a wolf or a bear or-'
'Shut up!' I hissed at her. 'Let's not list all of the things that might want to eat us. We need to get back to the other's.'
There was another growl, closer this time. Dead ahead of us. In the very direction, we needed to go in.
I shivered and squeezed Sophie's hand. 'We can't go back that way.'
'What do we do Hoseok?'
'We run. The other way. We need to lose it.'
Sophie wasted no time she held my hand tight, and bolted, dragging me behind her. We just kept on running, we could hear the animal running right behind us.
'Its gonna catch us!' I cried.
We both skidded to a halt. We could go no further. Right ahead of us was a massive drop with a river below.
'We have to jump!' Sophie yelled.
'I can't!' I was frozen on the spot. 'What if the water isn't deep enough? What if there's a crocodile in there?'
'Just go!' Sophie pushed me off the cliff jumping down after me.
We landed in the water. It was freezing. I felt a stabbing sensation in my leg. Sophie took hold of me and dragged me out of the water to a small cave in the Cliffside.
'Are you okay?' She asked.
'I think so. But my leg it hurts.'
Sophie rolled up my trouser leg. I could see the blood soaking into my pants.
'Okay, Hoseok.' Sophie soothed me. 'Don't panic, it's just a minor cut okay. I can fix it.'
'Okay.' I whispered.
Sophie pulled open her drenched backpack and took out a first aid kit.
I winced as she patched up my leg.
'There.' She said. 'It's okay now.'
'Th...thank you, Sophie.'
She looked around. 'It's too dark to try to get back up there now. We're gonna have to stay here until morning.'
'No! We can make it!' I tried to get up on my feet but, the pain in my leg stopped me and I fell back down, crying out in agony.
'I thought you said it was a minor cut!'
'Yeah well, it's not totally serious. You won't end up losing your leg so it's not major. Plus I didn't want to scare you.'
I sat back down and crossed my arms. 'I'm not as fragile as you probably think I am.'
'I never said that.'
'You didn't have to!' I spat at her.
Sophie glared at me. 'Hoseok why are you being like this? I thought we could be friends at least. The others really don't seem interested in me at all.'
'So you thought the gay guy would surely love you? Do you know Taehyung is gay too? He's my boyfriend.'
Sophie looked down at her hands. 'I just thought you seemed the nicest of them all.'
I sighed. I guess I was a bit too harsh with her. I should not act like this just because she is dating my ex-boyfriend. That doesn't mean she deserves to be treated this way. 'I'm sorry Sophie. I'm just scared of the dark. I Wasn't always afraid of it. It's a long story.'
'A story you would like to tell me?' She asked.
'Maybe another time.' I smiled at her. 'Sophie, sit with me. It's getting cold. We should keep each other warm.'
She smiled and snuggled into my arms.' We are gonna be okay Hoseok. Don't worry.'
'I'm not worried.' I said. But I was. I was worried that we may not find our way back.

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