Part Nine Parents

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Yoongi's POV

I found Hoseok sat on the floor in the toilets. He was crying again. I ran to his side.
'Hobi? Did it happen again?'
He nodded. 'Yeah...I got upset again. And the breathing got bad. But, I imagined that you were here, helping me breath.'
'That's good Hobi. Good job. Do you want to talk about it?'
'No, I can't.'
'Why not?'
'Because I don't know how it happened. I was fine...But, then Jimin.'
I nodded. 'Twice you've seen Jimin now and twice this has happened. You need to talk about it Hobi.'
'But I love Tae, Suga. I do. I really do, I swear! I don't want Jimin...I'
'I know. You're confused again.'
Hoseok shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. 'What's wrong with me Suga? Why can't I just pick one and stick to it? This is what happened last time. I was happy with Jimin then Tae came back and I wanted him again. This is not how it's supposed to work. I can't love two people. It's crazy.'
'It is.' I agreed. 'But it does happen. I've heard people talk about it before, well in their heads I mean. So it's not just you.'
'So what do I do? Maybe I can't have either of them. Maybe I'm not supposed to have them.'
'You have to figure it out. Spend time with each of them and maybe that will help you choose. I don't mean cheat on them, just hang out.'
'But Jimin has that Sophie.' Hoseok scowled.
'Yeah but, he doesn't love her.'
Shit, should I have said that?
'He doesn't?'
'No. He likes her but, there's no love there.'
'Suga, could you-?'
I cut him off. 'No way.'
He did not speak it but, I heard him think it. He wanted me to listen to Jimin's thoughts and find out how he really feels.
'Please Suga. It might help me.'
'No Hobi. It won't help. This is about what you want. Not what they want. Just you, okay? You always feel bad if you can't give someone what they want, I know you do. But you have to only listen to what you want for yourself. That's what you need to do.'
Hoseok was disappointed but, he understood my reasoning. 'Okay, I'll try.'
I ruffled his hair. 'Now come on. We should get back before they send out a search party.'


Yoongi's POV

When I had suggested a camping trip I hadn't actually expected any of my friends to be so up for it. Yet here I was, packing my bag, preparing for a few days sleeping out in the cold.
Brilliant idea Suga!
I had hoped when I went back to my parent's house to fetch a few things, that they would be out working. But no, they were here arguing about me again!
Mum was pissed because I didn't tell her that I'd been staying with Hoseok and she thought I'd been kidnapped again.
'Mum!' I glared at her. 'I'm twenty-four, not five. Do I really have to tell you where I am at all times?'
'Yes! It doesn't matter how old you are Yoongi. I still worry about you.'
'Well as you can see I'm fine.'
My mum sighed. She looked at my dad for help. He just shrugged.
'Not my responsibility anymore.' He muttered.
'He's our son! Don't be like that!'
They were really giving me a headache with this shit. I threw my bag down. 'Alright, that's enough! Mum, I know what you did okay! You cheated on dad and ended up with me. And you decided to only just tell him a few days ago. So he's right, it's not his responsibility to nag me anymore. And I'd appreciate it if you would stop nagging me too!'
Mum sat down on my bed, her eyes wide in shock. 'Who told you?' She whispered.
'No one. I heard you both arguing about it. That's why I left.'
My dad put a hand on my shoulder. 'Yoongi, I'm sorry you found out that way. I still care about you. Please don't think that I don't. Nothing has changed for me, I shouldn't have said you weren't my responsibility.'
'It's fine, you were angry. I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did too.'
'Yoongi.' Mum whispered.
'No, right now I don't want to hear you say anything. I'm going away for a break with my friends. I'll probably continue to stay with Hoseok when I'm back. And dad.' I turned to my father. 'If you need to divorce her after this...just do it. But it would be nice if we could...stay in touch I guess.'
Dad smiled sadly at me. 'Okay son, I would like that too.'
'Okay.' I nodded grabbing my backpack. 'Bye parents. And don't murder each other while I'm gone.'

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