Chapter 1

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Nico's Pov:

 I walked away from the stuttering Perseus Jackson, glad to have that massive weight lifted off of my chest.

"Neeks... What did you say? I've never seen Percy that confused before." Said William Solace

"First of all, don't call me 'Neeks'. Second of all, Its none of your business what I said to him." I didn't want to come off harsh to him, but I wanted him to know that he couldn't boss me around just because he's my doctor. 

      I walked back into the infirmary and sat on my bed. It wasn't comfortable, It wasn't supposed to be, but I liked it. It was a reminder that even though my life is literal hell, some people have it worse. I sat up on the bed then closed my eyes, not wanting to go to sleep, when someone spoke. "Neeks, you tired? You can go to sleep if you want to, but I have to do a check-up sometime today." It was Will, of course.

"What did I say about calling me Neeks, Solace?"

"You said that it was a cute nickname, and that I should keep calling you it?"

Gods, that boy drives my crazy. 

      "Solace don't call me that ever again. Understand?" I said in my harsh tone that usually makes people agree then run off, tring to avoid me at all costs. However, he did the complete opposite. "Ok, Neeks. I should get you checked up now. Dinners in 30 minutes, and we don't want to be late."

      I didn't argue with him about the nickname again that night, and I'm glad I didn't, because everytime he called me the name he'd smile. And gods, I could not argue with that smile. Wait, what am I saying. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that way. That night Will was trying to talk to me over and over again. I tried to tell him to stop but, well, this is how it went down.

"Neeks, you have to talk to me, Doctor's orders."

"Why? I'm not interesting and me talking to you has nothing to do with my physical state."

"Because I want to be your friend."


"Because you seem nice!" He smiled.

That's when I snapped. I was upset, I mean, who would ever think I'm nice? But on the other hand, That smile... No. I can't be thinking like this. He's just faking this. He's probably just excited for when I leave.

"I am not nice, Solace. I am the Ghost King. You should fear me!" I said that, yet I still had this voice whispering in my ear that I should calm down. I pushed the thought aside, and continued with the conversation.

Solace mumbled, "Why does he have to be so darn cute!"

I didn't know what that was supposed to mean, so I pretended that I didn't hear it. "I'm tired." I said, hoping that he'd let me go to sleep. Nope. He said I needed to brush my teeth, Then I got up and walked up to the bathroom. I don't remember what happened after that, but I was confident that I just was too tired and fell asleep on my bed after brushing my teeth.

I woke up in the middle of the night to some talking. People really don't have any respect for sleep these days, do they? I opened my eyes slowly, trying to make out what was happening, when I saw the smile. He brushed his fingers through his beautiful blonde hair, and looked over at me and I rolled over slowly so he'd think that I was still asleep. The only downside is that I don't know who he was talking to until Sun Boy spoke again.

"Mason, it's ok. I can take the night shift. There's only Nico in here anyways."

"Are you sure? You seem to be spending a lot of time with him since he got here." There was a pause for about ten seconds when Will finally spoke again. "P-possibly. D-don't tell anyone, please? You're the only one other than the gods who know. Swear on the River Styx." He swore. I couldn't help but wonder what it was they were talking about. I knew that if I moved again I might expose myself, but I did it anyways. I didn't open my eyes, but I knew someone was walking over to me.

Will's Pov:

I told Mason that only he knows, but honestly, way more people know. I just don't trust him enough to tell him that. I don't know! I thought to myself. I sat down in the chair next to Nico's bed and thought. I sat there for about 45 minutes before coming to the conclusion that it was true. I do have a crush on Nico Di Angelo. I didn't check if he was asleep, and I couldn't help myself. I leaned over and kissed Nico's forehead.

I immediately regretted my decision.

I was too careless to check if he was actually asleep, and, he wasn't. I just hoped that he would forget all of this in the morning. That would be a relief.


"Morning, Ghost King. Oh no, I shouldn't have greeted him! He's gonna kill me!" I was actually frightened that that joke may have earned me a one-way ticket to the Fields of Punishment. I didn't say anything until he responded, just in case.

"Uhhmmm.... Where am I?" Nico said, sounding and looking genuinely confused.

"Nico, It's me... Are you joking with me? If not I'd have to get multiple doctors in here to see whats wrong." I said it sounding as nice and caring as I could. I remembered the conversation I had with him yesterday, and I definitely didn't want to lower his self-esteem any lower than it already is.

"Who are you and where am I? I asked once and I've asked twice, now I expect an answer!"


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