Chapter 14

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Will's Pov:

I could almost see the anger rising in both Nico's and Amber's eyes. Except I couldn't. Because I couldn't open my eyes. I knew Nico wouldn't dare talk back to Mr. D, but Amber was a different story.

"Father! Will is dying! You can't make us all go back to bed! If the head counselor for Apollo cabin is dying, we should all get to see him one last time. It's only fair! Please?" Amber practically shouted. She's one of the craziest people I know, and she definitely is the person who yells the loudest and the most. I'm surprised she didn't yell louder. But then again, she was talking to her father, who was a god.

"Fine. But tomorrow you all are going to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual, got it?" The camp director replied. The only thing I heard was the sound of wind and crickets interrupting the silence. Because of that I assume they all nodded their heads.

"Hey! Where are you going?" A boy whose voice I didn't recognize shouted.

"Well, Michael, I am needing to get back to a potion I'm brewing. If I don't go back, the concoction could explode and ruin my cabin. I'll see you all tomorrow." A girl, who I assumed was a Daughter of Hecate respond. Wait, Hecate? This could be the girl who is planning all of this...

Nico's Pov:

"I'll see you all tomorrow." A Daughter of Hecate responded. Almost everyone in camp likes Will, so if someone leaves while he's dying, it makes me a bit curious. Ok, a lot curious.  I didn't want to say anything though, just in case I was pinning the wrong person.

Frank hadn't told us who is was who did this to Will, only how. Apparently a harpie distracted him and the attacker took the chance to strike. That boy needs to watch his back. Literally.

"Hummunnn..." Will mumbled, almost inaudible to anyone else.

"Will! Are you alright?" I asked. Everyone looked at me in confusion until he made another noise.

"Hmmnn..." He said, clearly looking distressed.

"Someone needs to help him, he won't live for much longer if you don't get..." I thought for a moment. "The piece if metal out of his..." I paused for another second. "Linea Alba." See? I know the human body thing! What even is it called...

Since my father is Hades, I can tell what is going to kill someone. The doctor's looked at me confused at how I knew this, and also because they didn't think it would work. That was until someone else spoke.

"He's right. I don't know how, but I can feel my father's presence. If you don't get it out now he'll die." It was Calvin, son of Thanatos. What did he mean by, 'I can feel my fathers presence'? I mean, when Hades is around I can feel him, but Thanatos is different. He only comes when someone dies. And I know Will's not dead. I'm sure of it.

As the doctors got to work I continued to lie down next to Will holding his hand, the warmth slowly leaving. I couldn't help it, and honestly, I don't care who sees. Crying for my boyfriend is completely acceptable.

"Nico, it's going to be ok, we're almost done." Mason assured me.

"Mason, his warmth is leaving him. There's almost no chance he'll live." I said. I can't be losing Will right now. If I did, I don't know what would happen. But I won't. His warmth was coming back to him. Unless Mason and the rest of the doctors made a mistake, I would see my Sun Boy's smile once again. Gods, I loved that smile.

-Two Hours Later-

The doctors got the piece of metal out, and now I'm just waiting for Will to wake up. I'm afraid he won't wake up for days, he might even be in a coma. I worry too much. Will is going to be fine.

I couldn't sleep knowing Will was hurt, so I stayed up the rest of the night. I held his hands feeling the warmth return. I lied there staring into his face, looking at his gorgeous features, knowing I might not be able to see them with a smile for a long, long time. Might. He could come back tomorrow! Who knows?

I was closing my eyes when I heard a pair of footsteps coming towards us. I quickly opened my eyes and my vision was a little blurry, I don't know why. I couldn't make out the face, so I studied the colors in hope of it giving away who it was. The figure had a hat on. Great. Harder to find out the hair style. She had pixie cut short black hair, but I knew of no one with that hairstyle, so I assumed it was in a ponytail. She had sunglasses covering her eyes, just my luck. She was wearing a red hoodie that was around two sizes too big. I only knew who this person was when I heard what she said.

"Man, I'm too lazy for this." Then she summoned vines and it picked her up and carried her to us. This girl was Amber. It's the middle of the night, why is she here?

"Hey Nico, you alright? You look pale, well, paler than before." She said. I was paler? How can I get paler? "Actually..." She corrected. "You look a bit transparent..."

I tried to reply. I really did. I just couldn't. I wanted to tell her what it means if I'm going transparent. I wanted to tell her that my vision was blurry, and that I couldn't speak to save my life.

The last thing I heard was the sound of Amber screaming, then I passed out.

ATTENTION: HEY GUYS sorry for not posting my computer broke and so I have to use the ones at school which means that I will most likely be posting only once a week. Again I'm so sorry!
P.s The chapters will probably be this short for now on because of the computer issue. Also don't forget to suggest!

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