Chapter 17

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Will's Pov:

Hannah just walked into the room and Connor Stoll was put to the ground. Who knew if he was dead? I was terrified. And since I was hurt, I couldn't move. Nico left. No one could help me. Now I would just die and I'd never be able to see Nico again. I looked out the infirmary door and I saw Piper running. She wouldn't look towards me, so there was another sign I would die. Maybe telling Nico was the wrong choice, and I should of told Calvin? But Hades basically told me to tell Nico. Maybe Nico did something really bad, and he wanted to get revenge by killing me? Doesn't sound like him.

I looked at the infirmary door one more time and I saw a wisp of Nico's dark hair. He would save me.

"W-What are you going to do?" I asked. I saw an ant crawl beside the bed's leg, but I thought nothing of it. After all, I see ants in here all the time. 

"Will, Will, Will. Are you really that dumb? I'm going to kill you. And," She looked around and outside. "No one is here to stop me. Lucky you!" Just as she said that I saw a small part of an elbow pull back then retract to a resting position. Was someone else there? Maybe. That would be helpful.

"Uh, Hannah, since it's my last few minuets alive, can I ask you a question?" I asked. I was most likely not going to die, since Nico was here, and I needed to know why she was doing this.

"Of course. What is it?" She replied.

"Can you swear on the River Styx to answer it and answer it truthfully? I don't want to die with the last thing I hear as a lie."

"I understand." At least she was a polite murderer. "I swear on the River Styx that I will answer your question and truthfully. Now what is it?" She was getting impatient.

"Why are you doing this? I don't mean just murdering me, I mean hurting everyone close to Nico." I got the question out. Now, hopefully, Nico knows not to attack just yet.

"Why did you have to ask that question? So the reason why I'm doing this is because..." Hannah said a spell, and she turned into a male.

Wait, was I seeing right? Hannah is a man? This makes no sense. Why would she, or I guess he, do this?

"I'm doing it because Nico is my dream man. I would rather die than live without him."

Gods, Yandere much? I didn't know what to think. Nico was mine. I mean, he's his own man, but he's my boyfriend. I decided to think about something else than another guy dating Nico.

"So, what's your name? Hannah isn't exactly a boy name..."

"Call me Jay. But you won't be calling me that for very long. It's j-" She was cut off by Piper and Hazel walking into the room. Yes! Now I won't die. We have Nico, Piper, and Hazel!

"And who are you exactly?" Piper said, using charmspeak. I was tempted to explain everything about me to her, but I knew the question wasn't directed at me.

"Well Piper, I'm Jay Roberts, the Son of Hecate. I was disguised as a girl named Hannah so I could get closer to Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades." He Answered. Wow. That was more information than I expected him to say.

The girls looked at each other. It was clear that their telepathic conversation went a bit like this.

"Girl, he's gay for your brother?" Said Piper.

"I guess. But he's Will's boyfriend!" Hazel replied.

"So he's been trying to kill us because he wants Nico. That's low..." Piper said. 

 "Dude, chill," Hazel told Jay. "Nico will never like you if you do this kinda stuff! Would you rather kill Will, and no one will be with Nico, not even you or... Keep him alive and have a small small chance, like .0001% chance that you'll be with Nico?"

"Well," Jay responded. "If the chance is that low I'd kill Will." At that moment Frank turned into a bear and scratched Jay's back. There was blood everywhere. Nico ran in and protected me so that if Jay tried anything I wouldn't get hurt.

"Hazel, go get Chiron. Hurry." Nico shouted at her. She ran off immediately. Nico turned his head so that he could see me and Jay at the same time. "You okay?" He asked.

"Y-yes." I replied like the dumb bird I was. Don't ask me why that's an insult, it just is. It actually started off with Amber and her friends. Anyways, lets get back to the part where I might die.

And like that, I pass out.

Nico's Pov:

I turned to check on Will and I saw him passed out. Will had once told me that sometimes Amber could produce grapes with special healing properties, and that it could heal unconscious people sometimes. Sometimes.

It was was the chance though. I couldn't leave him unprotected, and Frank or Piper couldn't help because hey were holding off Jay.

I finally had an idea. I could use one of Apollo Cabin's summoning sticks, or whatever they were called. I looked on the bedside desks, but no luck. I checked Will's pockets, and sure enough, it were there.

I saw a few buttons, and I saw one that had an image of two stick figures. If one of them was good at running then we're good.

A minuet or two had past, and Hazel hadn't come back with Chiron. The Apollo campers hadn't come yet, and Frank and Piper were bickering with Jay like babies. I thought that maybe not interrupting them might give us more time, because then Jay would be occupied.

Two campers came through the door. I assumed they must be from Apollo. One of them was a girl, the other was a boy. I didn't have much time to look at them. "One of you, go get Amber from Dionysus. One of you, Hazel is after Chiron. They're taking longer than expected, Go find them." And like that, they ran off.


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