Chapter 7

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Nico's Pov:

"A-Apollo? Why are you here?" I said, astonished that the father of my crush would appear in my dreams.

"Yes, Nico. I'm here to talk about my son. Will Solace." Apollo said.

"W-Why? There's nothing to talk about." I said, knowing what he wanted to talk about it.

"Nico, I know you're in love with him."

"I'm not in love!" I snapped.

"You're obsessed with him." 

 "I-It's just a little crush..." I said weakly.

"How do you know that?"

"Aphrodite. Honestly, you guys are our #1 OTP!"

"You couldn't of come to my dream just to tell me that you ship us." I put heavy emphasis on the word 'just'. And, please, don't say OTP. It's cringy.

"Ok... Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me! I came here to warn you that if you ever hurt my son, I will make you immortal and put you into my blazing hot sun chariot for all of eternity. You hear me?"

"Of course, Almighty Apollo." I said it with sarcasm, but I don't think he registered it as that.

"That's more like it. Now go get him!" He said before disappearing.

The next dream I had was of my father. He came to my dreams every once in a while, because being the King of the Underworld is boring.

"Nico~!" Hades whined.

"What, dad?" I replied.

"Just get together already~! He whined once again.

Honestly, I didn't realize or think anyone could ever whine as much as he did, especially the Lord of the Dead.

"You, too?" I said. "How can three godly beings think that..." I said with a barely audible whisper.


"Dad, dad, calm down! You know them."


I was so lucky that Gods and Goddesses couldn't read minds.

"Dad, just guess."

"Is it Aphrodite?" He guessed.

"Well, yeah of course, that's her job, but that's not who I was referring to."

"NICO TELL MEEE!" He screamed, even louder than then the other times.

"Ok, jeez, It was Apollo."


"Ugh." I thought. "Why does everyone want us to be together? Just because we're both gay doesn't mean we should be in love. Besides, It's just a little crush."

Between my dreams I always walk in an all black area aimlessly until I fall into the next dream. I think it's that way for everyone, but I don't know.

I was walking, when instead of falling I started levitating. I was so confused, I thought I might of died. Or, someone in real life could of picked me up, but I doubt that it will correlate with my dreams.

As I was floating, I started to notice the change in color. Black, Dark Gray, Gray, Light Gray, White, Off White, Pale Yellow, Yellow, then finally, Sunny Yellow.

As soon as I got to the Sunny Yellow color, it immediately started to turn a grayish-yellow. Probably because of me.

"Nico?" Will asked.

"Will!" I shouted. I started running over to him.

"Whoa, Neeks, I've never seen you so exited for something!" Will said when I got over to him.

"Well Will," I said. "I'm just really surprised to see you in my dream."

"Same here. How does this work, though? I mean, us talking to each other in our dreams."

I was going to say the real answer, but it would involve me embarrassing myself. I could not do that. Especially because of my other dreams.

"I don't know. Have you had any other dreams?" I asked.

"Yeah, surprisingly, your father talked to me. Then even more surprisingly, Apollo came afterwards!" He said. Brushing his fingers through his hair.

He's so cute when he does that.

I was really confused as to why they would talk to him too... Maybe he liked me back? No, no one ever likes me. I'm a loser, slob, emo, emotionless, boring, dull, annoying, harmful, I basically am dead.

"What'd they say?" I asked.

"Not much, Hades was freaking out about something. He said something about you, but it wasn't much. He  disappeared before I could say anything. Apollo wanted to say something but he was cut off because Hades contacted him about something. You?"

"No, I just fell asleep." I lied. If I told him I had the same thing but I was the cause for the confusion bad things would happen. Including a lot of embarrassing silence.

"Hey, Will..." I said.

"Huh?" He replied.

"Do you know why I forgot my memory for a while?"

"No... I'll try to figure it out though."

"Ok." We sat down and began talking about random things.

"Oh, I'm waking up." I said casually.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"You just... Know. Well, I'll see you later."

"Bye!" He said, flashing a smile before I disappeared.

Will's Pov:

What did Hades mean by 'Do it soon or it will be lost forever'?It was followed by extreme fangirling from the lord of the dead, so I assumed it wasn't important. I still couldn't believe what Apollo had told me before he left...

Sometimes my life makes no sense.

I was getting pretty bored of just sitting here, so I got up and started to walk. That's when I felt what Nico had been talking about. I was about to wake up.

"Oh gods," I thought. "What if it's after capture the flag? What if its tomorrow? What if I just DIED?"

I woke up to see Victoria shaking me.

"Get up, Will! Come on!" I couldn't process what was going on, so I kept quiet pretending to be asleep. I'm telling the truth, I haven't heard a word she's said.

"WILL GET UP ITS NICO!" She shouted.

I bolted up and got dressed and turned to Victoria.

"What happened!?" I almost yelled.

"Nothing." She said calmly. "I just needed you awake."

Seriously? Did everyone know about my crush on Nico? I pushed the thought aside.

"What time is it?" I asked.

She answered, and I was surprised. I still had five minuets to get to the infirmary.

I grabbed a bottle of water, thanked Victoria for getting me up, and left for the infirmary.

I walked to the entrance of the infirmary and stopped dead in my tracks before running to Nico's bed. He told me he was waking up, but he was still asleep.

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