Chapter 6

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Nico's Pov:

As soon as I saw Will hugging Amber, I knew my chances with him were over. I tried to not look upset.

"What's wrong Neeks?" Will asked. Of course, My face couldn't keep in my emotions. I felt a little nauseous, so I used that as an excuse.

"I just feel nauseous. I'm ok." I said.

"Nico! How long a have you been feeling like that! I told you not to do any under-worldly magic!"

"Uh, only for a little while."

"How long? 'A little while' means something different for other people!"

"About thirty minuets."

"Nico, you should of told me sooner. I need to give you a check up now."


He game me the check up, and after that I lied down.

"Isn't capture the flag tonight? You'll probably get a lot of patients." I said, breaking the silence that there had been during the check up.

"Yes, but I have to stay in here to watch you." The words implied that he was upset about it, but the tone of his voice suggested he was exited.

"Is Amber your girlfriend?" I asked. 

He laughed a little, it was so cute I almost smiled. Almost.

"No, Neeks, I thought I told you! I'm gay." He said, he blushed a little.

"R-Really?" I asked.

"Yeah I am. Amber's just my best friend. Although her father is Dionysus, she always says that you shouldn't base what you do and how you act on your ancestors. It all should come from you. She gives great advise, and she's really funny and hyper. I guess that's why she's my best friend!"

"Wow." I said.

"Although, one time she, um... She was peer pressured into drinking by some bullies. They said that if she didn't, they'd kill all of her friends in front of her, including me, and then kill her. She did it, and she became the biggest bully in camp. She has the ability to summon grape vines and she summoned them to hurt people." He showed me some scars on his hand.

"Are those from the vines?" I asked.

"Yeah, but Eventually someone named Angelina and Aaron got to her, and stole all of the alcohol she had. After she got sober again she thanked them and apologized to everyone that she had hurt. She swore on the River Styx to never do it again, unless someone will die from it."

"Wow, Solace. I never knew that happened." I said, confused at how I didn't know.

"Yeah... Well... Chiron said that I needed to take a break today. I'll see you before capture the flag, though!" Will said, his face still red.

"O-Ok, I'll see you then." I said.

He walked out of the infirmary and right before he left Mason walked in. They really are carful not to leave a patient alone, aren't they?

"Hey, Nico!" Mason said as he walked over to my bed. "I'll be taking care of you untill Will comes back. He's really tired, so he's going to go take a nap."

"Ok." I said.

I was upset that Will had to go, but he did look really tired and if he stayed here any longer he could of passed out on my bed.

"So, Nico... How have you been?" He said. I was confused until he added, "I mean, with Will being the only person to watch you."

"Oh, Its been great." I said. I hoped I didn't sound too homo, even though I was, I just didn't want Mason to go back to Will and tell him my feelings.

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