Chapter 18

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Will's Pov:

I woke up before Amber got in. Not much longer a group of people came in: Amber, Chiron, Hazel, and the Apollo kids. I recognized them as Victoria and Mason. When they realized what was going on their expressions widened.

"What are you doing Jay? I thought you were my friend!" Amber shouted at him. How does she know Jay? As far as I knew he just told everyone he was a guy.

"Amber It's not what it looks like!" He replied. I'd definitely have to ask her about this later... Assuming I lived.

"Sure looks like it." She said, tying Jay up with Briar vines, which are vines with spikes on them.

"So, you are Jay?" Mason asked while Chiron stood, figuring out what exactly was happening.

"Yep." He said as he struggled. "Now, I would appreciate it if you'd let me go so I can finish what I came here to do..." Everyone decided to ignore him and leave except Chiron, Nico, Amber, and I. Cause I couldn't move. Why am I getting hurt so often?

"What are we going to do with him? We can't keep him in camp..." I asked. I assumed at first he would just leave camp and never be allowed to return but he was trying to kill people.

Chiron ignored me. He's not one to ignore children completely, so I assumed he either couldn't tell me or he was going to kill him. Although, killing people doesn't really seem to be Chiron's style.

I passed out.

I don't know why, I just did. And surprisingly enough, I had no dreams. I woke up to see Nico and Chiron looking down on me. Nico's eyes lit up when he saw my conscious. That alone made me smile.

"You're awake!" He yelled, and hugged me. Why was he so excited? It's not like him to be that excited over anything. Even me.

"How long was I out?" I asked. As soon as I got that sentence out his expression saddened, and he seemed very interested in what shoes he was wearing today. Yes, Nico has a lot of shoes. Doesn't seem like him, but that's Nico.

"You were unconscious for 4 months. We were almost certain you wouldn't make it. W-We were about to cut off your life support." Chiron said. It's not like him to stutter, but for some reason when he did it sounded like he did it in every sentence. I could see why, though. If one of my patients were out for as long as I was and they woke up right before I switched off the life support, I would have a bit of trouble telling them too.

But seriously, Four months? That's a long to me, even for demigods.

"Four months? Wow. What'd you do with Jay?" I asked them. I was really curios.

"His fate was decided by the gods. We don't know their decision, but we have to trust it was reasonable." Chiron replied. "Well, I'll assume your friends would want to know you're awake. Nico, would you go get them?"

Nico agreed, then ran off swiftly. It felt like hours of awkward silence, when it was most likely only a few minutes. Nico came back with Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Calypso. They all ran up and hugged me, yet Annabeth stayed back.

"What's wrong Annabeth?" I asked. She replied quickly.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about Hazel and Frank." She ran up and hugged me. "I should go Iris-Message them. See ya!" She ran off. Based on the way she said it it sounded as if she was lying, but for some reason I believed her.

I looked outside and I saw many people walking by, Including Amber and one of her friends named Lotus. "Amber!" I shouted and waved.  She ran over with Lotus trailing behind.

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