Chapter 4

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Will's Pov:

"I don't recall you being at dinner, Mr. Solace." Chiron said.

I told him what happened today, and why that made me miss dinner.

"I assume you will stay with Nico tonight?"

"Yes, My siblings have been working extra hard lately so I think they deserve time off so I will be taking night shift tonight. I also don't think that Nico would be very appreciative if someone he didn't know was watching him." Chiron lifted one eyebrow as I said the last sentence. "Ok, Mr. Solace. I'll see you tomorrow after Capture the Flag." He gave me this look that said 'Treat him right.' I assumed I must be imagining things. I turned back to Nico, and he was awake.

"Hey, Neeks! You're awake!" I said excitedly.

"Why does it matter? People are happy I'm in here. Weak. Vulnerable."

"Neeks, don't say that. I care about you. Why do you care about what everyone else thinks anyways?"

He sighed and said, "Because- I'm gay. people never want me around because they think I'm a freak. People will beat me up when they know I can't defend myself. Everyone doesn't care if I have other personality traits or not, they just act on one little trait that they don't like."

I didn't understand what he was saying. How come he never told me? I'm his friend, right? It was too late when I realized I'd been staring.

"Neeks! You never told me any on this! C'mon! I'm your friend, right?"

Nico's Pov:

I can't believe I just did that. I couldn't of. Why would I do that? Wait, I've been staring. Gods, can I not be a freak for literally one minuet please? "Yes Will, you are my friend. By the way, your face looks like a tomato." I almost made a smile, but I held it back. The effect on the joke would be gone.

"It is? Gods, I need some water. You want any?" Will asked, it sounded different though. As if something was clarified by my statement that he'd been thinking about lately...

Did he know?

Surely not.

"No thanks." I said, before I seemed creepy once again.

He was talking an unusually long time so I tried to get up to go see whats wrong. But as soon as I put one leg off the bed, I felt so light headed that I thought I was literally going to die. I had to get up though, Will might be hurt. I haven't heard anything, but don't people have to run water to drink it?

I put another leg off the bed and stood up. I don't know how it was possible, but  felt even more light headed. I had to get to Will though. I walked over there when I saw a figure walking by.

"Will! Nico!" The figure said.

I saw another figure run past him directly to me. I fell forwards ad he caught me, then brought me back to my bed. "Nico, what in Hades were you doing up? You're too weak to get up, and I'm afraid that you'll have to stay in here for three more days."

"What? I'm fine. I will leave on time, in two more days, like we planned." I was exited to stay for a few more days, I really was, I just can't let Will know that, especially because he knows I'm gay.

"Neeks, you know you're in no condition to leave when we planned. You have to stay three more days. Doctor's orders." Will said, giving me the smile that I know all too well. It seemed... Wider. There was a thought that he wasn't telling me. Of course, I really shouldn't dig into someone else's business, but I am positive it's about me. "Ok, Solace." I said. "I'll stay, but you have to tell me what you're thinking." His eyes widened. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

"Neeks, it's personal. I can't tell you."

"Solace, I'm your friend. You can tell me." I said and made a small smirk.

"Everyone! Nico just smiled!"  Will yelled as loud as he could.

As if they knew this was going to happen, all of the Apollo children scrambled over to my bed. I quickly removed the smirk from my face and about a minuet later my other friends came in: Annabeth, Percy, Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank. Hazel and Frank were visiting from Camp Jupiter.

The coincidence was so big I thought that there were cameras in the infirmary watching me.

There was a loud creaking then the ground shook. I looked outside the infirmary doors. How was this possible?

"Leo!" I shouted.

"YOUR ONE AND ONLY SUPER-SIZED MCSHIZZLE BAD BOY SUPREME IS BACK!" Leo shouted so that the whole camp could hear.

A girl behind him put a hand on his shoulder.


Everyone in the infirmary left except Will. "You can go, Will. I can stay in the infirmary alone for a few minuets." I said.

"Neeks, I can't leave because when someone becomes a healer they have to swear on the River Styx to never leave a patient alone in the infirmary. And I care about you. But I'm sure Leo and his girlfriend will come in here to see you."

"You care about me?"

"Of course I care about you, Death Boy. We're friends!"

(P.s I wanted to change it up so here we go!)

Leo's Pov:

"AND I BROUGHT MY GIRLFRIEND, TOO!"  I added, Calypso would of killed me if I left her out.

"Leo!" Annabeth shouted. "Who's your girlfriend?"

I hopped off Festus and held out my hand to help Calypso get off. You know, chivalry and all that.

"This is Calypso!" I turned my head back and she nodded. "She was an immortal goddess that has fallen in love with your one and only!"

"Leo." Calypso said. I turned around and she judo flipped me.

"You're judo flips don't hurt." I lied, so that people wouldn't think that my girlfriend was stronger than me. I mean, how would I live if everyone liked Calypso instead of me? I mean, she's amazing, but I'd like to keep the 'Super' in 'Super-Sized McShizzle'.

I was thinking about Chef Leo's Tofu Tacos when pain interrupted my thoughts.

"Ow! What was that for, Piper?" She kicked me directly in my happy place.

"I'm glad I got the first hit." She walked away before I could come up with a funny response.

"Hey, Leo. Glad your back." Percy said calmly, then he hit me in the arm. It actually hurt! Surprised, I know. I mean, Leo Valdez? Hurt by Percy Jackson? Doesn't sound feasible. He must of trained while I was away.

He looked at Calypso, "I still have the flower. It's a nice touch to my mother's house. Thank you for making Leo not be the 7th wheel, and I'm glad you found happiness." And with that he walked back to Annabeth, whispering to her about something.

"Where's Solangelo?" I asked.

"Who's that?" Hazel asked. "Wait. Did you just ship my brother and Will?"

"Maybe..." I admitted. "Oh! There they are!" I pointed into the infirmary and made my way towards them, thinking up a hilarious comment on the way there.

ATTENTION: HEY GUYS HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Honestly, I still want to say that it's 2017. Don't forget to comment and give me suggestions, they always help! Love you guys!

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