Chapter 8

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Nico's Pov:

I was aware of Will running towards my bed. I was aware of the crowd of doctors asking him what was wrong, and then running to my bed. I was aware of Will gripping my hand, urging me to wake up.

I couldn't move.

I was still in the black room, walking. It had been a longer walk than usual, so I was beginning to think something was wrong.

Was I in a coma? Am I dying? What was wrong?

All my questions were answered when I took another step. I was falling yet again, but this time, I was falling into my father's palace.

"Dad! Will's going to be worried! Let me wake up!" I yelled.

"So you do care for him?" He asked.

I had no choice but to say yes. But I wasn't lying, I did care, it's just that if it were different circumstances I would of lied.

"Yes, I do. Now will you please let me go?" I said.

The Lord of the Dead let out a girly squeal.

"You can, but first I need to talk to you about something." He said seriously.

"Ok, what is it?"

"So about your loss in memory..."

"What happened? Do you know? Tell me please and thank you!"

"Well, I don't know all of it but it seems like someone at you camp did this."

"WHAT? HOW?" I screamed.

I must of been screaming in my sleep, because I felt a pair of arms that I knew were Will's wrap around me in a hug. When it seemed like I stopped he let go. Strangely, I liked the hug.

"Calm down Nico, I don't know much more than it was a girl."

"Ugh, ok. Can I wake up and tell Will now?"

"Yeesh, ok. You might experience mild discomfort."

What does my father think extreme discomfort mean? I was screaming at the top of my lungs out of pain, while I felt Will hold on to me. It felt like an hour, but I only think it was a few minuets.

"Shhh... Shhh... Nico it's going to be alright..." Will said to try and calm me down.

I calmed down almost immediately.

"Will." I said. He lied me back down on the bed.

"What happened Nico?" He asked.

"M-My father pulled me into another dream, and..." I paused for a moment.

"You don't have to finish if you don't want to." Will cut in.

"No, you need to hear this. He said that another camper did it to me. A girl."

"Who was it?!"

"I don't know, Hades said that he didn't know either." I said.

"Ok, well, how do you feel? Be honest, Doctor's Orders."

"Ugh, Ok Solace. I'll be honest. I feel mildly uncomfortable."

The pain hadn't stopped, I just learned how to calm down with it.

"What do you mean by 'mildly uncomfortable?' It could mean pain, position, and many other things." He said, determined to get an answer from me.

"Do I have to say it?"



"Neeks, what from?"

To be honest, it was from knowing that I would never be with Will, as well as the pain from Hades.

"Hades." I said.

"What? Why?" He questioned.

"When he forces you into a dream while waking up it hurts a bit."

"Oh, well I guess if its normal it's ok."

Just as he said the last word the conch horn blew for capture the flag.

"How many patients do you think you'll get?" I asked.

"Probably around 10 or 12." He replied.

"Only that many? I thought there would be more!"

 "Well, Chiron is the battlefield medic so he heals a lot of them but there are some he cant heal so he brigs them to us."

"Oh true."

Around and hour and a half went by and Will had gotten about 5 or 6 campers so far, hopefully the game was almost over. As soon as I thought that the horn blew and we were all notified that red team had won. That was Athena, Ares, Poseidon, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hebe, Dionysus, Nike, and Iris. They had almost all of the powerful cabins, so I'm not surprised.

I recognized some of the campers. Katie Gardener, Daughter of Demeter. She had gotten burned on her right arm, ouch. Julia Feingold, Daughter of Hermes. She had a spear impaled into her arm. Even worse ouch. The last on I recognized was...

"Hazel!" I got up and ran to her bed.

"H-hey, Nico." She replied.

"What happened?" I asked. I couldn't see any visible indications that she was hurt.

"Someone tricked me... They said that they were on my team, which the weren't, and they fed me some poisoned Ambrosia to 'help me gain my strength back'. She put said quoted around the last words.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"It was a girl... I don't know who, but she looked like a daughter of Hecate, but I could be wrong."

I couldn't help but think that this was the girl who tried to make me forget my memory. But why?

A Daughter of Apollo came and helped Hazel while I sat down right next to her bed and talked to her to help her calm down. I was still extremely worried, I didn't want to lose my only other sister.

As soon as I thought that, Hazel stepped in.

"It's ok, Nico. I'll be fine! Just calm down. You can feel my life force, right? I'm still far from dead."

She was right. Her life force was still very strong, so I had to hold on to that hope. 

Two Hours Later:

"She's ok. She just needs to rest awhile." The Apollo girl said.

"Thank you." I replied, then she walked off.

After she was fully healed, she left and I went back to my bad. Not too long  after Will joined me. We talked about random things for a while, then we heard someone screaming.

"Will! Nico! Coach is here with his family!" Percy shouted.

"Will! Nico! Co-" He yelled again before getting cut off by Annabeth.

"Come on, Seaweed Brain! He's already heard you!"

I was starting to get worried that something had happened to them, U expected them to be here sooner.

"Can you walk?" Will asked.

"Yes, I can. Let's go." I replied.

ATTENTION: HEY GUYS I finally made up for the All-Will Chapter! Thank you all so much for reading, It really means a lot to me. Don't forget to comment and suggest! Bye!

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