Chapter 12

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Nico's Pov:

I was waiting will Will, Frank, and an unconscious Hazel when Frank offered to go with Will to the amphitheater for the battle. Just then I had realized something. I had to have another doctor or nurse to take care of me while I was hurt. 

"Hey Will," I started. "Who's gonna take care of me while your gone?"

"Oh, thanks for reminding me, Nico. I almost forgot." He said, then got up and went to the kitchen.

He came back and saw the confused look on my face.

"All Apollo children have a little remote that when you push a button it notifies the others that someone needs to come to the infirmary. There's different settings, too. One button is for one person, another is for a group, and the last is for everyone. I clicked the button for one person so I could tell them to come back here later." Will clarified.

"Who do you think it's gonna be?" Frank said, and I jumped. I forgot he was here.

I saw Frank's smile in my peripheral vision, but I saw Will's head on. I smiled back.

"Wait," Frank said. "D-did Nico just smile?"

"Yes. Yes I did. Is that so surprising?" I joked.

"Anyways," Will got back into the topic. "It's Mason." As soon as he said that Mason came in.

"Hey! What's wrong Will?" He asked.

"Well, I have to go- go get something from the forest at midnight. I need you to come in so that Nico and Hazel aren't left alone." Will said.

"I'll do it, but won't Frank be in here?" He questioned.

"No, he'll come with me and defend me from any monsters. I wouldn't want to die when I just got a boyfriend, now would I?" He replied, smirking.

Mason laughed a little. "Yeah, I'll come back here around 11:30, that ok?"

"Of course. You should go back now, so you can get some more sleep. I'll see you then!" Will called.

I wouldn't ever admit it but hearing the words, 'I'll see you then' made me a bit jealous. Ok, a lot jealous. I knew Will would never do that, but I still felt bad. It was like he was calling me a loser, that I'm so weak I can't even defend my dignity when he's asking someone else out. But I knew that Will would never do that. Will, with his beautiful blonde hair, Gorgeous blue eyes, and freckles that tied it all together. All that is mine, and Will would never give it away.

After a while Frank was really tired, and I couldn't blame him. He fought monsters today and carried Hazel all the way back here. He got up, said goodbye, and left. Will and I sat there for a while before realizing what time it was.

"Gods, it's already 11:15. Mason will be here later. I better go get prepare." And like that, Will was off to the kitchen. He came back about 5 minuets later with a water bottle, most likely full of Nectar, and an easy open box of ambrosia chewables. It's a thing, trust me.

Only a few minuets later, Mason walked in. "Hey, sorry I'm- early? I don't know if I should be sorry about that but who knows."

"It's ok," Will said. "I was ready to leave easier. It's better to leave anyways, the monsters won't expect me earlier." He said, then he reached into a drawer and pulled out a weapon (In picture above). "By, Neeks!" He said, then kissed me on the cheek unexpectedly.

"G-Good luck!" I said, embarrassed.

"So..." Mason started. "You really love him, huh? Honestly, I find him a bit annoying. But everyone has a different liking towards people." 

"Yeah, I do. He umm.." I started, but then I remembered that I was talking to a guy I barely knew, so I stopped.

"You don't want to tell me? I suppose I could get Amber, but she's asleep and I wouldn't want to wake up someone who could kill me with grape vines. Thick or thin, they're deadly."

"Yeah, I do kinda want to go to sleep now though." I said looking at Hazel. Then Mason replied. "Of course, it's late. Would you like me to wake you up when your boyfriend gets back?" He clearly likes using that title for us.

"Probably try once, but if I don't wake up don't try again." I said, then drifted off to sleep. I had dreams about Will, of course. The first dream was of him and I walking through the strawberry fields, holding hands. We talked about the mortal world and how we got here. Will laughed when I told him I was around 80 years old. But the fun was suddenly over, for a girl came out from nowhere and took Will. I could see her injecting something into his arm while I screamed trying to get her to stop. I ran after them but eventually I lost sight of them. I started crying, but then another dream came.

Thalia, Percy and I were standing outside Hermes cabin. There was a new camper, and we were showing them around camp. We finished it off with Hermes and we were about to leave when Will showed up. We were trying to explain the 'dam' joke to Will. He didn't understand it, but he nodded his head anyways. "Will," I said. "I know you don't get it. Let me use an example. Say you and I are walking by a dam. It doesn't matter what its made of, where it it, or what it's called. all that matters is that it qualifies as a dam. We walk past the bathrooms. What's the joke?"

"Dam, the bathrooms?" He said, so not confident that it sounded like a question.

"Close. It's: Look! The dam bathrooms! Or, We've found the dam bathrooms!" As soon as I said that he cracked up laughing. "I get it now!" He told us, and continued laughing. Soon enough everyone was in a laughing fit. That was until a boy with brown hair jumped down from the roof and stabbed Will in the head. I ran after the boy, until I realized that he was gone. No trace. I ran back over to Will and started crying again.

Finally, I was saved from my dreams. Someone was shaking me up. It felt as if they needed to wake me up. Like if I didn't, something bad would happen. I opened my eyes and I saw Amber standing over, shouting my name. I immediately looked past her and saw Will. This had to be a dream. But it felt so real. It was real. Will was in the bed next to me, and Hazel had waken up. I was happy that she was alive, but Will.

Will was hurt.

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