Chapter 16

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Will's Pov:

"Connor? Why? I thought you were better than that." Nico said as Connor Stoll walked through the infirmary door.  I remained silent, as to see how this conversation unfolds.

"What did I do? I don't remember last night, but I must of pulled some amazing prank if you're this shocked." Connor said. What did he mean by, 'I don't remember last night'? He didn't look or act drunk, and even if he was alcohol is banned by Mr. D just so no one can rub it in his face. Figuratively and literally.

"What did you do, Connor Stoll?" Nico strictly spoke as he started to pull his sword from under the bed. I put my hand on his arm to stop him, and he set the sword back down. He gave me a death stare, but it was more of a death look because it was very short.

"I... don't know? The last thing I remember was dreaming about phones in the mortal world and what they're like..." Connor recalled. What I don't understand is how he dreamed a normal dream. Even I don't dream normal dreams, and I have no use for things like that.

"You know exactly what you did." Nico said demanding him to admit to his crimes. Now I had to speak, or Nico might get a bad punishment from the Stolls.

"Nico, he might not know what he did. Maybe a spell was put on him." I said. Hannah is a really skilled demigod, not as good as Lou Ellen, but she was close.

"Nico look at me." I said, he looked over at my expression and realized I was hurt. I wasn't faking it, I was hurt both physically and emotionally. Nico started to get up and I was confused. Was he better already? He looked fine. He turned his head to look at me, and then he looked at Connor, and walked out of the infirmary. I decided I should tell Connor what exactly happened, seeing as he had a puzzled look on his face.

I sighed. "Be honest... Do you remember anything that happened last night?"

"No. The last thing I remember that happened in real life was eating. There is literally nothing else I remember except my dream." Connor answered. This confused me, since Lou Ellen had told me (Because she was my friend,) that casting one spell correctly and making it powerful was hard enough, but two? That was a nearly impossible feat for a demigod, unless you're Lou Ellen.

"Connor, last night you gave me a note that told me to meet you in the amphitheater at midnight, and I did not knowing who you were, and you tried to kill me. You only succeeded in a stab whenever a harpy distracted me." I said. With every word Connors expression changed. First it was surprise, then it was confusion, then it was a mixture of anger, confusion and surprise. There were so many, but those were the dominant ones and if I listed the rest it would take a while.

"I don't remember that. How though? Why would I do that?" Connor asked. I decided to tell him what Nico and I conspired. While I told him his face grew with interest, shock, and anger. He didn't get a chance to respond because just then Hannah walked through the door.

Nico's Pov:

Ugh, why did I leave? I wanted to stay, I really did, but something told me to go. But even as I was walking through camp I felt as if I needed to go further. I walked through the forest and surprisingly it was quiet and calm. I sat down here for a few minuets to see if I wanted to stay, but my few minuets were cut off by the sound of people shouting my name. I really don't want any human interaction, so I decided to leave for the Underworld.

Will wouldn't want me to go. Maybe I should stay? I don't want another lecture. I walked back to the infirmary to see Frank and Hazel searching for me. I had nothing else to do and I was getting a bit bored so I decided to go over and talk to them.

The first person to notice me was Hazel. She did a big wave and I walked towards the couple.

"Hey Nico!" Frank started. "How are you? We've been wanting to talk to you, but we were doing things over at Camp Jupiter and-"

 I cut him off. "It's ok. Will's in the infirmary talking to-" I paused. "Connor Stoll. I needed to take a walk." I saw the confused looks an their faces so I filled them in on the incident. Hazel went in to hug me, and I let her. She was my sister, after all.

"Nico I'm so sorry!" She said then let go. "Why would he do that?" I owed them an explanation.

"Will and I think that Hannah Roberts of Hecate put a spell on him. It's really hard to do two sells as strong as that and them being correct, but she is second rank below Lou Ellen."

"That would make sense... But why would she do it? She did hurt Hazel, now Will... It looks like she's out for you!" Frank said.

"Yeah, that's what Will and I think..." I said the word think slowly like: Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnk.

Wondering why I said it slowly? I saw Hannah walk into the infirmary. Hannah Roberts.

"You guys can follow me if you want," I said hastily. "But Hannah just walked into the infirmary and I need to protect Will." I ran off. Nothing mattered right now but Will. Luckily we weren't very far. I stopped right beside the entrance. Spy mode: Activate.

"William Solace. I see your precious boyfriend isn't here right now. That means I can do whatever I want. First off," She snapped her fingers and Connor fell to the ground. "Next... Ooh! Wait... Why are you not responding? Aren't you scared? I'm going to kill you." She looked back to see if there were any listeners, and luckily I went behind the wall before she saw me.

I looked behind me to see if Frank and Hazel had followed, and sure enough, they did. I whispered to them my plan. "Frank, turn into an ant and get close. Hazel, give me your spatha, and go get Piper. This cannot work without her." She ran off to get piper. Moments later, Piper and Hazel were running towards us. It seemed as she was on a run around camp because she was a bit sweaty.

"Piper, Hazel, go in there and distract Hannah. It's time to put this plan into action."

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