Chapter 13

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Will's Pov:

Frank and I walked down to the auditorium and discussed where he would hide. We decided that he would crouch down underneath a bush and wait. When we got there we saw no one. I motioned for him to hide and I walked forwards. I knew that the attacker would try to surprise attack me, so I constantly moved around. I occasionally stopped moving or changed my direction to confuse them. Finally, a boy with caramel brown hair jumped out of the fire. I knew he was only behind it, because this boy was not a son of Hephaestus.

He tried attacking me but luckily I was changing direction when he jumped out.

He tried to slash at my stomach, but I blocked it with my dagger.

"What the heck man why are you trying to kill me I thought we were just here for a friendly chat!" I said, trying to act dumb.

The boy refused to speak, most likely due to the fact that he didn't want his identity shown. He repeatedly tried to harm me but I kept on deflecting. A few times, he even tried fighting me with his hands. I blocked with my knife, and it resulted in his hands having scars.

"Stop trying to attack me I need to get back to Nico!" I yelled at him. He made an awful mistake of looking up for a split second. This boy was no ordinary boy, this boy was Connor Stoll.

"Connor? What the heck man why would you do this?" I said, and he wouldn't answer. I finally motioned for Frank to come out of the bushes and the fire turned purple. Fear.

"Well, well, well, Connor Stoll. What would Travis say if he saw you out here trying to attack Will?" Frank said. He wouldn't answer, of course. "You sure your gonna stay quiet?" He added, whilst Connor was trying to make attacks to my right arm.

I was determining his weak spot when I heard a loud squawk. The harpies. I was momentarily startled, which left an opening for Connor to attack, so he did. He stabbed my in the middle of my stomach and he ran away. I immediately started to feel dizzy and light headed so I mumbled out my last words to Frank: "Don't bother I'm dead."

I was almost certain of it. I quickly passed out but I didn't dream. Instead, I felt a pair of arms pick me up and run towards the infirmary. I heard Frank shout, trying to get everyone awake. I heard screams coming from every direction, and only one stood out to me. Nico's. The only thig I could think of at that moment was Nico and how I was going to get back at him. I had to hold on to my life, for him.

We were running towards him and I heard Hazel scream. She could of been having a bad dream, but I presumed she was awake due to the fact that it would of been a major coincidence if she was screaming in her sleep while I was dying. I heard people cry and scream. I heard a girl mumble something to Frank and immediately I was picked up and carried by vines. I knew this was Amber, because she usually summons thick vines as opposed to Mr. D who summons thin ones. It couldn't of been any other child of Dionysus because no one else can use that ability.

I was carried over to a bed that I hoped and prayed was by Nico's, and my prayer was only answered when I heard the sound of a bed being pushed to my side. I felt someone cold holding my hands, and I knew it could only be Nico.

As I felt the doctors try to save me I saw a vision. It was of Thanatos, God of Death. As far as I knew he only had one child, Calvin. I didn't know his last name, but I knew he was cursed with something. He was also one of Amber's best friends. I knew Thanatos only appeared to someone when the life of a person was expired and he needed to take them to Charon.

As I was looking at him there was a very uncomfortable silence. I sat there looking at his features. He had pitch black eyes, black wings, black armor covered in a cloak, and darker than night hair that was ruffled as if someone had just pet him like a dog. What surprised me the most was that his scythe had a sticker of a Son of Apollo named George Salazar on it. He had become famous in the mortal world whilst he defended against monsters. The guy was a legend.

"Uh, Thanatos, sir, if you don't mind me asking... Why is there a sticker of George Salazar on your scythe?" I asked. He looked surprised that I could see him, even though he was standing right in front of me.

"William Solace. How can you see me?" He asked. I was tempted to respond, My question first! But, I was talking to the God of Death. I might never see Nico again if I make a wrong move.

"I don't know. All I remember is Connor Stoll trying to kill me then he stabbing me and being rushed back here. Then Amber Mell's vines pushed me to the bed and I felt Nico's hands and you were there." I responded. I'll be honest, I was worried I'd say too much.

"Hm. I don't know how you can see me but it looks as if you are dead. But, if you can see me it suggests the opposite. Now here's the question: Would you rather go to the Isle of the Blessed, or stay alive. If you choose the Isle of the Blessed, there are only five people on the island that you would go to. If you choose to stay alive, you may tell the person closest associated with death. Whether you choose Nico or my son, Calvin, only one is closer. You have to make that decision on your own. If you make the wrong choice, it will result in terrifying occurrences."

For me, the answer was clear: Stay alive. I didn't know why Thanatos had even mentioned Nico, his son obviously is closest to death. But maybe not?

"I wish to stay alive. Thank you, sir, for giving me the option." I answered.

"As you wish, William Solace. I will see you when you die." He did a weird motion with his hands, and just like that, I was back to the present. I took a sharp inhale and everyone sighed in relief. I still couldn't open my eyes and my breath was still steady as if I was asleep, but I knew everyone was still here.

"Is he going to be alright?" Nico asked, still crying.

"Nico, I'm sure he'll be fine." Hazel replied. Then she whispered, "His life is coming back. He was dead before, though. How?" I was just as confused as she was, maybe even more. I began to think of options for what happened when the sound of an aggravated shout came from where I guessed was the entrance to the infirmary.

"What in Hades do you all think you're doing in here at 3 a.m? Back to bed! All of you! Mr. D had arrived.

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