Chapter 5

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Will's Pov:

Leo walked over to us, screaming. as soon as he got in my hearing range I understood what he was saying. I slapped my forehead.


"Leo! How dare you make such accusations!" I screamed, although I was much quieter than when he was screaming.

Leo turned back towards the crowd. "Is it canon yet?" He asked them.

They shook their heads.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Nico said, grabbing his sword. He looked like he was blushing but I couldn't tell.

"Nico," I put a hand on his shoulder and he immediately calmed down. "Calm down." He put the sword down. I felt my face turning red when I looked back at Leo. I shot him a death glare, not as good as Annabeth's or Calypso's, (From what I could tell) but I think I got the message to him: Stop.

So... Maybe I have a little crush on Nico. So what? He would never like me anyways, he always tries to push me away. As far as I knew, Mason was the only one who knew that I liked him. But clearly, that had changed.

"Eh," Leo said. "You'll get there someday."

I sighed. "Leo, you should tell us what happened. I'm sure Nico would like to hear and I would as well. Sit." I pointed to the bed next to Nico's which was currently unoccupied.

He sat, then gestured for his girlfriend to sit net to him. I assume he was trying to be chivalrous, but he just looked awkward doing it. I think Calypso got the gesture, because she smiled at him when she sat down. She could of just been making fun of how awkward he looked. Who knows.

"So what happened?" Frank asked, as soon as everyone sat.

Leo retold his story and I watched as everyone's jaw dropped around me. Nico even gasped quietly beside me, but I doubt that anyone heard him so I stayed quiet.

"Leo! If you didn't go back you might of died!" Jason said.

"But I did go back, so HA!"  He replied.

We sat there for the next hour and a half just talking about what everyone had been doing, how Percy and Calypso had met before, the new changes to the camps, and the new relationships.

"Isn't Coach and his family coming soon?" Nico said. We all jumped. He hadn't participated in the conversation and when he spoke we all suddenly remembered that he was there.

"Great. Another group of people to punch me." Leo said sarcastically.

"It's not all that bad, Leo. You do deserve it, and it makes them happy!" Calypso said. Percy looked scared, Probably because this was a whole new side to her that he had seen. Hopefully not because of a monster.

"I've never seen this side of you, Calypso." Percy said.

Phew. Not a monster.

"What is everyone doing in here? There aren't supposed to be this many people in the infirmary, especially because only one of you is hurt. Scram now." A voice said. We all looked over.

Mr. D. Aka, Dionysus. God of Wine, Parties, and, you know, being drunk. He's also the camp director. 

He only had three kids in Camp Half Blood. Amber, she's the nice one. She's been my best friend ever since I came to camp. Michael, The geeky one. Brittany, the funny one. She also had a great sense of humor, but we never got to be more than acquaintances. And then there was the newest kid, Kira. She'd only been at camp for a few months. Based on how nice Mr. D's kids were here, I assume Bacchus was a whole lot worse.

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